Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I find MICHAEL JACKSON! I haven’t seen this ghost in so long. On top of having a very special name this ghost was also very active and hilarious. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.2
One day I hope to say…
You’ve been hit by…
You’ve been struck by…
A smooth Revenant.
It'd be amazing if there were easter eggs in the game such as maybe some name combos would cause certain things to happen. It'd be amazing to hear "HEE HEE" while Michael Jackson is hunting.
Michael Jackson, still a performer!
if this was one of those challenge videos
Next time: Michael Jackson challenge: escape from the ghost moonwalking only
Those crosses aren’t red hot. They’re covered in the ectoplasm.
there should be an easter egg where if the ghost is named micheal jackson, the ghost can only walk backwards
3:55 wait is that a orb out of the camera screen
That was so cool, man!🔥
I had no idea that this game might include such extra options for hunting!
Well played!
michael jackson
Love that Michael Jackson is now a recurring character on this channel. The King of Pop never disappoints XD
I was waiting for him to say "Come Hee-hee me, Michael" lmao
What they should do is have it where any time a ghosts name is Micheal Jackson it is always a spirit box ghost and tbe answer to the first question no matter what you ask is always "hehe" and during a ghost event Instead of hearing hhhaaaa again it's "hehe"
It’s gonna be a banshee oh wait it’s the name
my first ghost ever was michael jackson 😀
There needs to be an Easter Egg that every time a 'Michael Jackson' ghost reveals itself it needs to go "Hee Hee"
Burn me alive, this is a new horror and very scary, the guys and I want to see your reaction, is it possible?
Michael Jackson was the first ghost i ever played against. Funny because when I saw it I assumed all the ghosts would have funny names.
Has anyone else noticed at the end of the pier on the campsite there's a Jason hockey mask floating in the water?
If Michael isn't a moonwalking rev then I'm dissapointed
the ghost with this name should have special interactions.
I’ve never seen anyone boss this game like you wow!! Need to start watching more
I once had a ghost called Thomas Thomas. That was funny
not me and the chat going 'Banshee-hee'
Figures he would be a bansHEE HEE
name: michael jackson
Chat exploding
how many hours do you have on phasmophobia
5:50 Random person in chat : BansHEEHEE
Once I found MICHAEL JACKSON too 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Wow, this was quite a thriller.
Ill be here all week.
your playing as a team and your friends die does the amount of people the ghost say they killed go up?
i had michael jackson yesterday
If the ghost name is Michael Jackson, the ghost would be he/he easter egg.
Yesterday I got a ghost who's name was Robert Garcia
my crucifix once burned up in my hand, how?
jilly bean intensifies
Should phasmo add a new easter egg like hee-hee or moonwalking footstep everytime it is Michael Jackson ghost?
Insym: micheal is in the boys room? Come one guys we can’t make jokes like that
Micheal: do I look like a joke to you
They honestly need to make an update/ easter egg where if you get a ghost with a celebrity name, there's some sort of unique attributes in appearance or noises for the ghost IE michael jackson moonwalks and shouts hee-hee randomly
Okay I know I'm a month late, but are we really gonna ignore the mannequins and shenanigans rhyme at the very start of the video? Man over here sounding like Eminem
I bet he gave you one hell of a thriller, hee hee.
I can't believe that you can say are you French on this game