I hear SCREAMING in the Distance! – LVL 1799 Phasmophobia Asylum

The level 1800 special is here! This run was TERRIFYING! The Asylum ambiance made this much more scary! I love doing this every now and then, just embrace how scary Phasmophobia can be and let yourself get spooked! I recommend this! Hope you enjoy this run! Much love and see you during the streams!

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Question of the video: What do you think can improve the “scariness” of this game?
Let me know in the comments and the questionnaire below!
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NOTE: this video was recorded on patch v0.21


27 thoughts on “I hear SCREAMING in the Distance! – LVL 1799 Phasmophobia Asylum”

  1. I'm confused, why did you keep talking about EMF5? You had Freezing. You'd seen no Fingies so it wasn't a Banshee. You'd gotten a picture and it didn't disappear so it wasn't a Phantom. Plus it hunted above 50%. At that point it was either Mare or Demon, so there won't be any EMF5, right?

    Knew it was Demon! XD

  2. What about if it was a demon it would crawl in the roof or smth to add more scare factor or the ghost events have some more direct scare approach towards their targets? To make the player feel more threatened and panicked.

  3. People being scared improves their scariness of the game. Let’s all refuse to tell new players how the game works from here on out! Make them look for the right videos on YouTube or watch what we are doing. Game isn’t scary if you spoil the secrets, am I right?


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