Welcome back to Phasmophobia! Today we are finally bringing back chat=ears. We’re combining this with NO SANITY, NO EVIDENCE, & No grace period. This will be terrifying (for me). ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.10.0.1
Ghost Gambling 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Chat=Ears Insym goes crazy
gotta be honest, when i saw the thumbnail I didn’t recognize Insym at first… 😳
im still surprised a lot of people in your chat doesnt realize the ghost slowed down because you used a smudge
I cannot tell if you meant out of whack or out of wack 😂😂😂 or maybe you somehow mean both 🤔🤔😂
I KNEW that first one was a mimic when it was a myling the second hunt and not the first! And almost NO ONE IN CHAT said it!
hi chat
The chat seems to have missed that, on the "is this a banshee" investigation… it knocked down a painting next you as you walked by it.
i understand that people can not know about certain ghost abilities or behaviour, but when i saw comments on the last game i lost like 50 iq. How can it be hantu when its fast everywhere, same for mimic its practically not possible for mimic to mimic the same ghost behaviour like 5-6 times in a row
insym reusing thumbnails????
I'm happy to see these classic challenges return, first the photo randomizer and now chat=ears
"Grandma's fast! Grandma NO!"- Insym, 2024
Everybody needs to subscribe because insym is only 18k away from 1mil subs
Do you have any videos that aren’t like 2 hours long?
this challenge feels like the embodiment of ur dad telling u to hold the flashlight and judges u for holding it wrong
I don't know where this came from but it's obviously fake, insym doesn't have ears
34:00 i always wonder why you never use the motion sensors trick for the banshee or in general to know if it roams close to you or something in enclosed spaces like corridors and what not
Started playing about 2 days ago. Got to level 10. Think I might need to borrow chats powers lol
Insym, I just gotta know. I noticed when you are drinking water on stream and stuff it seems like its carbonated? like a seltzer water or something? Is there a particular reason you prefer it to regular water or am I thinking too much into things? lol could be im thinking too much into things.
Anyway, love the channel, your videos get me through the day on so many occasions.
38:16 Za warudo!
AI ears
My favorite minigame in phasmophobia, so funny
The audiophile in me would suggest you get something like the Dan Clark E3 and paint blue strips on them so we can still recognize you :3
25:20 if i had to bet, the game probably didn't count it cause you were on a different floor
or something like that anyway
Small paragraph ahead, but TL:DR the first hunt of the Ridgeview Banshee game was actually frame perfect and Banshees likely constantly update their roam location until they touch the target while using their ability.
The Banshee game on Ridgeview was genuinely insane and nobody noticed it, the timing on that first hunt was actually the most perfectly timed thing I have ever seen in this game. Between Insym entering the house and the hunt, exactly 13 seconds pass. Assuming the ghost was in the upstairs bathroom the entire game, it would take nearly 12 seconds to roam to Insym's location near the cabinet thing in the dining room which is where it hunted from around a second later. This means the Banshee used its ability on literally almost the exact FRAME that Insym entered the house. It also tells us 2 things about the Banshee: the Banshee most likely roams to the location of the player until it touches them, and not the location that the player was at when it first used it's ability, and that the Banshee roaming between floors is 100% not bugged (W devs for making a feature that works as intended.)
more of that please!!!
While others chatters tell the correct ghost to cross out according to ghost speed and blinking
Normal Chatters : No Oni/Phantom/Hantu/Thaye/Rev/Deo
That one clueless dude : no goryo!!!
Can someone please give me phasmo i dont have money 😢 if some good fella give me the phasmo i was be really happy. Thanks
grandma near the end almost threw me out of my chair from the jump scare hahahaha
Good job on guessing the ghosts, guys. I've been watching Insym for a few years or so, now, and I'm still learning how the ghosts and everything work in Phasmo. I can only get like 1 or 2 ghosts right, but u guys… U guys are really kickin' ass on this game. I can hardly wait for it to be on XBOX and Playstation. Hopefully, its just as good as the PC version.
You know who else is good for light duty tapping…😏