I Made the NEW Asylum Map READABLE | Phasmophobia

Phasmophobia released a development preview with an unreadable floorplan of the new asylum map Sunny Meadows. I spent a couple of hours to make it readable for you.

DOWNLOAD the new Asylum map in my discord (pinned post in phasmophobia channel):

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48 thoughts on “I Made the NEW Asylum Map READABLE | Phasmophobia”

  1. Since this map has an outside area, now they have to make the outside area In prison a ghost room, (or two if you count the basketball court!) CJ, or anyone, if you see this, we want it! I remember it had very high demand when Prison came out, but people have obviously stopped talking about it now.

  2. the loadout button gonna saving my money irl by increase my mouse longevity lmao. the head cam that nobody really use but I'll always buy it cuz why not xD

  3. I don't think the Clothes Store, Food Store, and Dairy Store are shops. The word "store" also used to be used in place of the longer "storage" so I'm guessing that's where they store the clean linens (clothes store), pantry (food store), and refrigerated food (dairy store). This entire area seems to be staff utility (the food and dairy stores are right off the kitchen and the clothes store down the hall from laundry) so it wouldn't make sense if they were shops. Also, you accidentally labeled room '29' as '39'.

  4. I really like the fact that there's so many new unique rooms compared to the old Asylum where every room looks identical. Of course the rooms on the right and left side will look pretty much identical to each other, but all the new rooms in the center of the map are going to bring a refreshing look to the map along with the "special" rooms located in the basement. I also really like the fact that there's staircases on both wings. This is going to help a lot with making Sunny Meadows feel more dynamic instead of simply being locked to being "down" or "up" like you are on Asylum.


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