Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we beat the game without opening the front door! Yes you heard that right, this is absolutely ridiculous and completely breaks the game. We even had the developer in chat so we could show this crazy bug to them. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


36 thoughts on “I Played Phasmophobia WITHOUT OPENING THE DOOR”

  1. Bug: once where the host had a laggy connection and the ghost wouldn't move, even during a hunt. It also interacted with the door it was standing next to and any objects placed near it (besides dots) several times a second we had 9k interactions. I tried some science and discovered I don't think the ghost interacts with dots in order to trigger it. It's more like ghost orbs than ghost writing. I have recordings of it I can post if interested.

  2. So my guess was actually a Raiju for the second run because when the hunt started, it got to the top of the stairs so fast because all your equipment was at the front door! But it didn't seem fast because you couldn't hear the footsteps.

  3. Insym: "I beat the game at every difficulty. How do we make it harder?"
    Also Insym: Breaks the game completely so nothing works at all and still beats it.


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