Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we beat the game without opening the front door! Yes you heard that right, this is absolutely ridiculous and completely breaks the game. We even had the developer in chat so we could show this crazy bug to them. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1
If you ever find a fun glitch/bug please let me know! I only learnt about this no key challenge because you guys told me! (thanks again Distorted!)
The cabinet doors are gone because the gost finally cleaned and wasn't lazy in the house, usually he cleans up if he hears the door like we all do 😂
"DK… Insym is doing it again.."
Yeah. You and everybody else is ! 🤣
We tested the hell out of it today
Bug: once where the host had a laggy connection and the ghost wouldn't move, even during a hunt. It also interacted with the door it was standing next to and any objects placed near it (besides dots) several times a second we had 9k interactions. I tried some science and discovered I don't think the ghost interacts with dots in order to trigger it. It's more like ghost orbs than ghost writing. I have recordings of it I can post if interested.
cj is real silent now
So my guess was actually a Raiju for the second run because when the hunt started, it got to the top of the stairs so fast because all your equipment was at the front door! But it didn't seem fast because you couldn't hear the footsteps.
I think it would be a genuinely good idea to remove footsteps from the game. So much more horrifying than knowing its coming right to you.
Insym "Runs around in the House without unlocking the door"
The Game "WHY the F*** is he running into the Walls of the VAN???"
Insym: "I beat the game at every difficulty. How do we make it harder?"
Also Insym: Breaks the game completely so nothing works at all and still beats it.
So it's more like a reverse-key run? Use key at the end instead of at the start lol
Next challenge, playing phasmophobia without turning on the pc
Dude I actually wonder why your channel doesn't have more subs, you cover a bunch if games and do a lot of unique videos.
i literally mute HI YOUTUBE HOWRE YOU DOING because your voice is so loud and annoying. i like your content but that’s not it chief
Yknow, if the developer just made the doors solid so you couldn't get items in, that would kill any incentive to try this glitch beyond the sheer novelty of it.
No one will never be a better Beta Tester than Insym, prove me wrong.
I wonder if the spirit box isn't working because you have a friend whose voice still works properly?
CJ already has the patch notes draft ready, I can tell.
Now this turned it into a REAL ghost hunting game lol
I just did this myself with a team of randoms, it went GREAT. music box and it was a phantom. You can't get any easier than that
Has anyone else been able to replicate what he did? I was able to close the van without being in it similar to how he did but it just locked me outside the truck
I remember you doing this last year too lol
you can do is in vr you can also leave the truck with out opening it to
I'm the most unlucky guy
pulls hanged man
😆 🤣 😂
That happens everytime im in vr loading into edgefield
Game go berrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This is a major glitch for us vr players, the glitch will happen randomly for us and will we be in some random room in the room, usually the garage
I always fell asleep while watching his live coz it starts at 1:15AM in my country 🤧
I wonder if the blocked hidding spot are determined when you open the door 🙂
Tried this out with my friend. Pulled a Death tarot card and actually got hunted / killed, door still locked. Pretty interesting interaction
Starting to think CJ and the other devs are waiting for Insym to hit lvl 10000 before they drop the major update and wipe it all
At Phasmo HQ: File number 13: Things Insym keeps breaking.
Alternative title: Insym spends an hour launching items across the room XD
life goal : play phasmophobia with insym
Would be interesting to have a view of a Second Party member who is already dead.
Istg CJ gets a headache each time Insym does something like this