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#SamDaDude #Smite #Duel
First ayeeee
Niiice showing phasmophobia some love. Love this game! And first hehe.
BROOOOOOO I love your intro 💯
Phasmo is a game a love to watch, but seldom play. My heart cant take it lol
Level 11: Let me explain the game real quick. XD
this is already going to be entertaining!
Now if only Insym would play Smite, then my subscription box would be totally upside-down lol
Here's a second comment for your algo brother, fuck yes.
The ghost needs to spawn near the crucifix for it to prevent a hunt. Once the ghost is hunting, its already too late.
Loooool this video is pog af
Highlights suck for this. I want to see some actual games. If you don't main smite highlights but main full games, why would you switch to highlights now :(.
Dude yes. I'm not sure if you tried the game because of my recommendation or not. But idc. This is the best thing ever
I've never left a comment on your videos but take the little boost on the variety content. It's hard to break a mold but you can grow larger with more than just smite content
Need to know next time your playing phasmo with viewers so I can hunt some ghosts with you!
It’s so cool to see other stuff on here, enjoying everything Sam!
Brit boi
I don’t think Edward liked u called him an aphrodite KEK
sam, try this but with vr, i kid you not, i was terrified and i have played a fair amount without the glasses😩
Sam, you can upload anything, and I will always enjoy. Anyone annoyed about content other than smite can kindly hold the fattest L in existence.
Unliked, and liked again just for the thumbnail