I Prestiged for the FIRST TIME in Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we prestige for the very first time! But before we do that we will use the Tier 3 items one last time. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9


47 thoughts on “I Prestiged for the FIRST TIME in Phasmophobia”

  1. Hi Insym! I have noticed you're using the Logitech G432 headset. I'm using the same headset and I have a big problem with it since the Ascension came out – I just can't get the microphone working. Tried so many times in so many different ways and no success, I'm forced to use the text communication for Ouija/Spirit Box. It's extremely annoying because it freezes the player. Looks like only Phasmo don't detect my mic, all other programs are working with it as usual. Everything worked flawlessly prior the update…

    Maybe you will have an idea how to make it work? Hope you'll help me, thanks in advance 🙂

  2. I got a challenge for you.

    Name: It only lives once.

    You can only use a item once. If you put Down a item inside that is it. If the ghost changes ghost room its allowed to reuse and move items.

    Extra difficulty:

    Professional: No headcam

    Nightmare: only one Per item

    Insanity: if ghost changes ghost room you cant move or reuse a item.

    Each diffuculty adds to the easier ones.

    Item tier and diffculty in game is up to you.

    Good luck

  3. when it comes to people complaining about this update, I think it mostly comes from people who don't play the game often and just want to do a quick game or 2. Since they didn't play much, the understanding of the game isn't really there and, from their perspective, their equipment got significantly worse than it was the last time they played it. I get where they're coming from, I only play phas with friends and half the time they have no clue wtf is going on, and having this 1980s ahh equipment doesn't really help. Love the update tho, dots flashlight is funny

  4. no, the rewards arent worth it for casuals. they should added each prestige give 5% more rewards from dailies. something other than visuals. maybe once they fix the character models. we can buys clothing but that seems dumb for a ghost hunting game

  5. i wish the unlocking system was reworked.
    inestead of unlocking the items directly, you get a "skill point" of sorts that you can then invest into upgrading an item of your choice, allowing people to choose what they unlock first

  6. Well since this video has a lot of bugged photos I’ll tell you mine, I took a photo of a door interaction and ended up getting a 1 star bone photo….the bone was on the other side of the door in the room

  7. I also have been watching a ton of streams and videos of the new update and it stresses me out how no one knows that there is a new more functional tutorial (I guess the game is also doing a bad job by not telling anything, only the ones who read the patch notes would know about it). Then after not doing the new tutorial, they hop into games not knowing how Dot worms, or how temperature works, or that you need to turn off the light for the spirit box, it's so frustrating lol

  8. you're 100% correct. New players should only have 5-10 ghosts in the list. it's way too hard to learn all of them at once. My friend said the same thing

  9. this update is mediocre. the items are great but the fact we have the same boring ass hub & truck is beyond frustrating. makes the game feel so repetetive. please remake the hub to be cooler and less boring .. a warehouse with a basketball net is garbage

  10. I think they should add the devil. He can only come out on insanity or no evidence and if it starts a hunt, it will hunt untill everyone dies or do a specific task to send it away.

  11. i usually play solo too, i used to get very scared and just leave but when i understood how the game works and everything its become more mechanical and tactical than scary now but like insym said its still fun because investigating the ghost is still satisfying

  12. Honestly, I absolutely love professional mode. I have a little group of friends that I play with and we're not bad at the game, we play an optimized professional mode where the multiplier is something like ×3.76 or whatever, and we have been just steady leveling up because we can almost always get the ghost. We have tried playing on higher difficulty, but the amount of times we get it wrong outweigh the multipliers for how many times we get it right on our version of professional. I feel like everybody is rushing to play the hardest difficulty to level up the fastest, but when you slow down and get into a rhythm, it is so much more enjoyable.

  13. "POV: you're speaking out of your ass and have no idea what you're talking about, just don't say something if you don't know what you're talking about!"

    Holy hell, the toxicity, the frustration aimed at the viewers. You were already growing more passive aggressive to viewers "for fun" by calling them dumb for ghost gambling odds, but this is a new low… Thanks for the fun so far, but I can't support this any longer.

  14. If you play a new game and you skip the tutorial, you have no right to complain about not understanding how things work in the game.
    For games like this I'd honestly not even allow people to get into the lobby without the tutorial. I'd just have the game send them into the tutorial after first launch.

  15. I really wish the spirit box actually sounded like spliced radio audio. It just sounds like people speaking directly into their mics, probably because it is. I always thought they used the radios because the ghosts use the existing channels to create a voice.

  16. I remember my first game with friends in the early days, had no idea what we were doing, got hunted and all of us were bundled at the front door screaming trying to get out. Great times


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