I thought I could talk to it alone | Phasmophobia

I thought I could be brave and take one for the team. Nope. Even though it’s a game it was still too scary, f that i’m out.
Check out Neng’s Channel!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtlo6PesJem2SYV7rqGQDQ/featured


27 thoughts on “I thought I could talk to it alone | Phasmophobia”

  1. I like this gameplay but theres something bothering me. "Phasmophobia"-is afraid of deep water and afraid of whats living underneath like ocean ,lake or river right?? I just dont understand why they name this game a Phasmophobia? Just curios can anyone answer me? Cause they could call it A "Paranormal" cause its about a ghost hunting.

  2. anyone can confirm this? but to me I think the sound at the end is just an intimidating roar from the ghost because he repeatly call it name i have heard it with out spirit box nearby before? to me to use spirit box 1 it need to be dark 2 no name just question because when you call it name it just anger the ghost make it just give violence respond and this cancel out spirit box respond . am I correct?

  3. The game should make more voifes like not only
    -"e"(im not sure)
    They should add that very intense things and they should add voice effect not only men voice even the ghost is a girl or a kid😂


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