I like this gameplay but theres something bothering me. "Phasmophobia"-is afraid of deep water and afraid of whats living underneath like ocean ,lake or river right?? I just dont understand why they name this game a Phasmophobia? Just curios can anyone answer me? Cause they could call it A "Paranormal" cause its about a ghost hunting.
anyone can confirm this? but to me I think the sound at the end is just an intimidating roar from the ghost because he repeatly call it name i have heard it with out spirit box nearby before? to me to use spirit box 1 it need to be dark 2 no name just question because when you call it name it just anger the ghost make it just give violence respond and this cancel out spirit box respond . am I correct?
The game should make more voifes like not only -death -kill -"e"(im not sure) -adult They should add that very intense things and they should add voice effect not only men voice even the ghost is a girl or a kid😂
Does it make that noise when the Crucifix stops a hunt? I've heard it randomly but around Crucifixes too when it seems like there was about to be a hunt.
god I love seeing profesionals play this. ( I know Viking guy is realy good at this game but he mostly does Solo which I dont like as much, I like team based effort )
Keep up with the Phasmophobia content 🙂
Yea spirit box is a thing out of hell. It doesn't work most of the time but when it does its immediate heart attack
How don't you have more subs this is the best content I've seen for this game
Love watching your content dude, you all should try and find a demon 🙂
Subbed, thanks for the Phasmophobia content. Please make more! Plan on watching more of your videos.
Your phasmophobia contents are great❣️
Bro you about to blow up real soon keep up the good content you seriously underrated
A great phasmophobia gameplay 😍 keep it up bro
Filosofy – susan garcia give me a sign
Susan Garcia – o
Filosofy – F*ck you susan garcia
Waiting for the Phasmophobia but I steal everything in the house gameplay
im liking the videos my man keep it up
I like this gameplay but theres something bothering me. "Phasmophobia"-is afraid of deep water and afraid of whats living underneath like ocean ,lake or river right?? I just dont understand why they name this game a Phasmophobia? Just curios can anyone answer me? Cause they could call it A "Paranormal" cause its about a ghost hunting.
Okay but did you figure out what the ghost was?
I'm subbed! So glad I found your channel man, keep up the great content! Really enjoyable to see a crew who knows what they're doing!
You're never alone when you're with christ.
Or ghosts
yall should play with sonoket (shoutouts to sonoket!)
anyone can confirm this? but to me I think the sound at the end is just an intimidating roar from the ghost because he repeatly call it name i have heard it with out spirit box nearby before? to me to use spirit box 1 it need to be dark 2 no name just question because when you call it name it just anger the ghost make it just give violence respond and this cancel out spirit box respond . am I correct?
The game should make more voifes like not only
-"e"(im not sure)
They should add that very intense things and they should add voice effect not only men voice even the ghost is a girl or a kid😂
"Give me a sign"
Does it make that noise when the Crucifix stops a hunt? I've heard it randomly but around Crucifixes too when it seems like there was about to be a hunt.
Why are you guys allways closing the doors?
I'd like to see workshop content for this game, like custom maps and all. I can already see a Silent Hill PT map and a Fear map :')
you can actually save a slot by placing the camera on the tripod preemptively, the camera still functions if you turned it on before placing it too
Is there any reason why instead of going straight to thermo and emf readers they went cams all over the house, is there a tactic for that or no?
god I love seeing profesionals play this. ( I know Viking guy is realy good at this game but he mostly does Solo which I dont like as much, I like team based effort )
I'm playing left 4 dead while listening and that breathing scared tf outta me lmao