Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I play with YOU GUYS. Which means I am playing with the best and also worst players in the game. This was amazing and I cannot wait to play again! I hope you enjoy!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.0.0
You are the best!
I was appalled at Dispaiir’s persistence in chat (the crimson name)
32:38 In VR you can actually glitch out towards the gate and even go past it, but then you end up in an infinite falling loop because the devs didn't add it as an out of bounds teleport spot
I love how you treat your fans like actually players and don't baby them. Also just being so nice and treating them like friends and not strangers
If you think Insym should play Specter (The Roblox version of Phasmo), Like? This might get deleted when I say like it.
Throwing meat.? 🤔
I got 3 moons in a row then wheel of fortune red then another moon hunted right on me as I pulled that 4th moon couldn't drop the cards for my smudge and then died
They need to make the game more scary
Insym is worlds greatest phasmo player in the world
55:51 the music was nice 😂
very nice that the title says asylum and asylum is not in the game anymore. It's now sunny maddows. Bdw keep up the good work
how is "are you pizza" a spirit box question
"are you naked" is stupid too
but are you pizza really.
If someone leaves the thermo turned on, on the floor, it glitches out. You need to turn it off and on again in another room before you check the ghost room.
No you did not play with cjay and psycho
Obake will say it used abilities for the six-fingered handprint too. I THINK the six-fingered handprint also ignores the fingerprint chance setting in the customer difficulty settings too because I got it in a game instantly even with the fingerprint chance set as low as it can go.
They really need to let us pick the ghost we face in the modifiers and just have it drop the money to x0.00 So we can test stuff against ghosts.
16:32 – It's the thermo bug I think. It doesn't seem to realise that the room should be lower. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I know that entering a different room and returning fixes it.
Whamen smh always simping bois
Isn't it Sunny Meadows? Not the Asylum?
I have had some pretty messed up ghosts. I had an Onryo throwing items in a hunt as much as a Polter. I have had Spirit speak as much as a Myling on the paramic. I have had a Phantom just pathfind straight to my hiding spot at the back of a room in asylum.
grandpa was watching you guys play with the tarot cards lmao
So funny and wholesome how the ladies are looking forward to go to the squeashy room – and a potential ghost inside of it