Thanks for watching! **Leaving a thumbs up would be really awesome!!** It supports me in every way! Thank you for 3,000 SUBS!!!!
Paranormica is a game inspired by Phasmophobia. In this game, you are hunting ghost looking for evidences. Welp, speed run didn’t go smooth as we thought it would be. There are some glitches and some lags. But maybe it’s just me or something lol. We tried. YOU MUST find all the evidences to count it!
Make sure you subscribe if you haven’t!! JOIN us as a subscriber on our journey for another entertaining video! I would love to make videos to make you laugh 🙂
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Pie, I stayed up till 4 Am to join and it says lobby full. ;(
I’ll never be able to join you;(
Thank you master pie for telling how your light does that because it wasn't doing it for me and now i know how to change it.
Nice try bro but i really love you make a video paranormica solo like this
Masterpie is the bravest player
Me: enters room with ghost orb
My teammates: Blocking the door so I can’t leave
Ghost: ight time for EZ kill!
Omygosh!you reached 3k OMG!!congrats masterpie!keep going I just hope I can play with you and how do I join you if you're gonna make vid because I saw ur videos you're fans are in there and I really wanna play with you!so how do I?btw congrats again on 3k!!😊🥳
Congrats on 3k keep going piee!!
OMG 3K!!
I've learn to be pro in paranormica because of you!but not really pro lol btw congrats on 3k!!!
Congrats in 3k pie I wanna play with you how do I join you when you're making video?are you posting a private lobby code in the group?or something else??congrats again!
I bet you can reach a million subs!congrats in 3kkk
Bruh how did u get future lighting alot
1 dislike xD
I can actually speed run paranormica dough
Lol the ghost hated masterpie
Hey! Can you play imagine? Its Horror game.
waiiit so you DONT speedrun every round you play…?
am i weird…?
The future lighting is not showing for me 🙁
i got like 30 seconds or less i think but not uploaded and it is before future lighting update
How could u be so brave
Ghost : *HI SISTERS*
When ever I use the spirit box he always talk to me
my wr is 28sec
I got 53.62 seconds on level 2 difficulty
Him: finds where the ghost room is
Me/other players:barely goes in the house/rooms
Also, if you don’t have temp you can rule out anything with temp. Same with if you don’t get rob or any other easy evidence.
3:05when bird die
BRUH master pie takes 3 or 4 min and i take an hour
Him: We know it's a toxic
Also him: EMF 5 it can be a Spirit or a Ghoul
master pie in 1 round: i could be a sprit or ghoul
me: how could it be a spirit if it kills a bird???
To see clearly in phasmaphobia, make ur graphics quality to 1
Edit: for the ghost to write on the book u need to leave it alone where the ghost is and turn the lights off.
HOW 2 SPEEDRUN: 1. take the thermometer, lantern, and emf, find the ghost room, stay in there for a little bit, wait for signs to show up, after that, drop the thermometer and keep the emf, put away your lantern and close the door, the lantern will attract the ghost and it can glitch out, take the spirit box, drop it and talk to it at a far distance with the door open, if its freezing, get out until its somewhere else or wait until its back where it is, take the spirit book, head back downstairs and drop it when you get to the first place you get to, which is the entrance of course, then use your sanity donut since your sanity might be low
2. take a look at all of the evidence, if there is nothing in the spirit book after 30 seconds, then go look at the ghost room, if its freezing, put it in the journal or chat once your back up, then take the birdcage, go to the entrance, drop it there, wait a few seconds, if it's not dead, head to the ghost room, then if it dies, put it in the chat, then try to make it go into hunt mode so you can find more evidence faster, cause eventually it will walk over each one of the evidence items and probably do something in them, after it goes into hunt mode, you can bring the spirit book to the ghost room if theres no writing in it yet, then take the nv camera and look for ghost orbs at the entrance, if it isnt there, check the ghost room, then use the emf, take the emf to where it commonly spawns, like the office, or the hallway, those are the most common spawns where it can spawn, drop the lantern into the hallway, open the door, let it hunt you, and then use the emf one more time, if it was emf 5 again, theres enough proof to ditchi
when you say sanity,I heard Sandy lol xD
i ike it
Congrats on… 13.3K SUBS!
Halo bang masterpie
Pie alone:finds 1 evidence in 1 minute
Me and my friends:just found the room in 3 minutes
when ghost said HOWA it was like my dad yawn LOL