Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we try Insanity mode and it’s so much more crazy than I expected. This new difficulty is very hard! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1
1:12:35 – The Myling confused you by employing a new strategy I'd call, "Throwing Shade."
My friends and I play insanity mode pretty much exclusively now
2:00 I don't think I have ever seen Insym scream like this before.
I died to a Mimic. And it mocked me because it waited to hunt until the exact second I found out it was a Mimic. It killed me because it spawned outside the ghost room where I ran. I only lost 30% sanity and didn't know that I started lower, and only had starter items because I forgot to click add. My first insanity mode run, like yours, ended in death right after the ghost type was discovered.
i love it how you dont care if they dislike the video unlike some youtubers that will stop making videos if to many people dislike their video. keep up the great work insym
And this first run pretty much summarizes every experience I've had with a Thaye on Insanity mode. Which is why I now pop a pill at the start of every game otherwise I each shit every time.
I think Nightmare is pretty easy most times. I random, w/friends, Sunny Meadows 8 times out of 10. My friend and I usually breeze through it. I thank your videos for that
7:50 I noticed Yurrei drains sanity to 0% super fast. It doesn’t make a sound. I noticed it on single and multiplayer on professional
my rule of thumb is rule out emf5 after 8 interactions
They need to make a hopeless difficulty where there’s no evidence and you start off at 0% sanity
I've only played one game on insanity so far and the ghost gave itself away within the first minute, almost a mirror of Insym's first game but thankfully for me it was normal speed (demon).
It's so easy to drop 5%, the demon doesn't even need to use it's ability to give itself away.
I thought house candles were glitched and didn't work for Onyro ability. Did they fix it?
how could he tell that the ghost was a thaye and not a demon?
that sunny meadows game is exactly why I value sanity monitor so highly
At the start of the video I was thinking, 75% sanity that's instant thaye hunting, would be pretty scummy if you entered the house and he started hunting and look what happened first house 💀
Point Hope might be the renamed and long awaited "Lighthouse" map
1:12:57 that run right there is why I refuse to even try this mode. These ghosts' behaviors need fixing badly before 1- or no-evidence runs are reliably playable for me. You can know a ghost's behavior patterns all you want, but if they act like another ghost you're just wasting your time, having less fun, and cursing the game as it takes all your rewards away or kills you. I know from personal experience seeing this all the time that unless a ghost is hunting (and there are even some that misbehave while hunting,) you can't rule any ghost out truly, which indicates to me that this stuff needs fixing; and that evidence is a necessary part of the gameplay to counteract it. The more evidence they take away in these new difficulties, the more glaringly apparent both the AI problems, and the necessity of evidence become. From your example, there's just no counterplay against a ghost that just doesn't do anything or that changes rooms without any indication that it's done so. You either wait for nothing to happen or you eventually get surprise hunted from some other part of the map and killed. And if you do as a player what you, Insym, did in this case the devs designed it so you get nothing for your time, despite surviving. It's a lose-lose for the player.
The devs need to focus a lot less time on nerfing both the player and the gameplay experience, and instead focus a lot more on fixing ghost AI and adding content. This game needs far, far less feels-bads and many more feels-goods. Right now, playing it isn't rewarding. It used to be, before all the player nerfs under the false pretext of 'horror.' Horror doesn't have to be infuriating, nor should it be.
Thank you, Insym for this video though. It's very enlightening.
Oh that was not the fastest death, not even close, try getting a foyer demon that uses its special ability the second your foot is in the door.
idea next dificalty { you are dead 100%}😂😂😂😂
I have a question, does anyone know why Phasmo for me is running so terribly bad? It always is at 30-60 fps and even lower when in an actual game. Been like this since I first started. Sorry for asking here but can anyone inform me on what may be happening? My guess is that it's because im on Windows 11.
there is no way that insyms real first name is DAVID. He does NOT look like a david lmaoa
pov me doing insanity with lvl 10k ppl when im lvl 100 and just getting carried B) free money
Do any of you have this problem with Phasmo recently that it kicks you out randomly from coop play?
Insym! New Devour update is coming out within the next week! Will you be returning to that when it’s out? Would love to see you play that again <3
I assume deo has forced spirit box because of the chance for heavy breathing. Creeper ghost.
Love this content, please keep pumping for out! also doin that all map run would be cool too
1:12:50 Looks like you had 57% sanity when you left Sunny Meadows. That is a really slow sanity drain.
i also think that the forced SB is unnecessary for deo. like they can keep it as long as they add more ghosts with both DOTS and writing as evidence. Because the only two ghosts that have both of those is Deo and Thaye, so in a Nightmare run, if you get those 2, its an automatic Thaye bc Deo has to have SB. There is no real skill into finding out which ghost it is that Nightmare mode is supposed to make you do
Insym : No hunting before 50 sanity
Thaye : Suprise mthertruck
i think the Dots are still a bit broke
The funny part is im not playing phasmo a lot cuz im a scared bitch but i know a lot about game because of you so often im an "actually" dude. When my friends werent sure what ghost it was usually im the one who knows about those other clues, less obvious.
But there is one ghost that its always fucking with me. Whenever im comming back to the game, revenant will fuck me.
I'm sad the bed exploit is gone, it was funny seeing the ghost go mega fast.
By my count there were 44 seconds between you entering the house and dying in that first hunt
5:18 try lightning the summoning circle in sunny meadows. the big cross behind it will light on fire instantly
I's not the craziest or funniest difficulty, but surely the proper one to test your skills
one of my first games on insanity, we pick prison, i enter the front door, 2 secondes, doors slams shut, i hear super fast foot steps comming my way.. i was dead before i could even react lol.. thaye combined with insanity and in the first room of the map is super scary.
i got really lucky on challenge mode because i got back to back Thaye in the first 2 games, and it literally only took me 3 games to finish the challenge, first game thaye, second thaye again, and the third one kinda hard because its an oni but its really active so i can kinda predict and assume it must an oni
I am now 60% dead rate on challenger mode.
I found bug with cursed object. Where can i report it?