I Was SCAMMED Out Of This Photo in Phasmophobia

This is one of the many reasons the photo system needs updating in Phasmophobia! I was completely scammed out of this ghost photo!

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If you are new to Phasmophobia or a returning player who is lost I do have guides on the channel which you can check out in these awesome playlists here:

Phasmophobia Guides: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCqdastwAYo9vxMVty4CwkfK

Tips to Find the Ghost Room and Identify Ghosts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCqCjLaJoorm3Qlv_djmrpnS

Hunting Guides to help you SURVIVE: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCpDH6pW8A1hOn3pUQzts85g


12 thoughts on “I Was SCAMMED Out Of This Photo in Phasmophobia”

  1. Commenting to drive engagement because youre awesome.

    Regarding the "priority" when taking photos. It geta tricky when lets say a 3 star salt is in frame along with a 1 star ghost photo. Which should the game register as more important? How would it decide? Value? If its tied to an objective? If youre in a hunt or not? Tough questions to design arouns for sure.

  2. We took a pic of my friend who got killed by a ghost but he supplied the whole mission so had a couple thousand in equipment so we took a photo and it didn’t register so he lost a few thousand

  3. For me it's the amount of time where a DOTS photo didn't count as a ghost photo, the ghost would be centered in the photo yet it would be 0 stars (and of course I didn't have any other ghost photos)


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