I'm Back! Let's play some some Phasmophobia with the JITS crew. (10/13/2022 Stream Replay)

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/impulsesv


26 thoughts on “I'm Back! Let's play some some Phasmophobia with the JITS crew. (10/13/2022 Stream Replay)”

  1. It's become a tradition for me to never take the elevator on cruise ships. I know it's nowhere enough to counter the food calories, but it makes me feel better…lol. Welcome back Impulse! 🙂

  2. The ghost you had after you change the setting the ghost name Harold Shipman is a UK doctor who was found out to be a Serial killer he killed up to 250 people the worse killer in modern history he was found out in the 2000

  3. 24x is stupid hard. not only does the ghost want your soul from the get go but you have no way of obtaining clues the normal way. you have to rely on secondary traits like the banshee scream, wraith salt prints not glowing, and mimic dots.

  4. The "ghost on ghost on the stairs" made me rewind the video like 5 times and think "what the heck am I missing? I don't see anything!"… I hate you guys 😉

  5. I think the GAG isn't the way to go but i get the idea. If you have objectives like salt or motion seneors or candles then do them. Also PHOTOS AND BONES. but i agree that if all for of you are alive then things like 'escape a hunt' or 'get a picture of the ghost' aren't worth it as someone always dies.


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