OoooOOooh, spooky lighthouse!
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Hello. I got some rest like u said to 🙂
Anyways, imma just tell u some tips.
I will start off with the cursed possessions. There are 6 possessions in total, each with their own unique uses. However, each item can trigger cursed hunts. Cursed hunts last longer than regular hunts and each hunt after that will be a cursed hunt. I'll go through each possession 1 by 1.
Ouija board – When u interact with the board, u can ask it questions about the ghost, it's location, cause of death and the bone location. If u run out sanity whilst asking a question, the board will break and trigger a cursed hunt. U can tell it is broken if it splits
Cursed mirror – When using the mirror, u see the ghosts point of view. Using this mechanic, u can locate the ghost room. It drains 20 sanity each second u use it, so be careful. Upon reaching 0 sanity, like the board, it will break and trigger a cursed hunt.
Tarot cards – There are 10 cards in each deck of tarot cards. These are completely randomised and in a random order and impossible to predict. I will go through each card and their function(s). First of all, The Tower. The Tower card is currently bugged, but it forces the ghost to make an interaction. This could even help give evidence as things like ghost writing are counted as interactions. Next is The Devil. The Devil card triggers a random ghost event. Next is the Death card. This card triggers a cursed hunt. After is The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man is an insta-kill on whoever drew the card. Next is The High Priestess. This card revives a random dead player. If no-one is dead, then the next person to die will be revived. This effect does not stack. Next is the Wheel of Fortune. If the card burns green, you gain 25 sanity, but if it burns red u lose 25 sanity. Next is The Sun. This sets ur sanity to 100. Next is The Moon. This card sets ur sanity to 0. Next is The Fool. This card appears as one of the aformentioned cards, but then changes to this and are guaranteed if the ghost is hunting.
Summoning circle – Their are 5 candles that must all be lit to use it. Each candle drains around 15 sanity from the player. It summons the ghost at the location and it will start a cursed hunt after a short animation. It's a quick, but risky way to get a ghost photo.
Voodoo doll – This possession has multiple pins. When used, each pin will drain some sanity or trigger an interaction. If thein on the heart is pushed, a cursed hunt will start. If you use it with no sanity, all pins will be pushed and a cursed hunt will begin.
Monkey paw – The Monkey paw is like a mix of all the other possessions. This item gives 5 wishes, 1 for each finger it has. I will go through the wishes. "I wish for life" revives a player, but has a 50% chance to kill the user, it's basically a life for a life. "I wish for knowledge" gives 1 evidence or rules out 1 at the cost of ruining ur vision and hearing for the rest of the round. "I wish to see the ghost" functions the same as the summoning circle. "I wish for sanity" is a bit of a trick as it sets ur sanity to 50 and doesn't give sanity unless it's under 50 and it breaks the lights of the room the wish is used in. These are the main wishes you need to use in a match.
Next tips will be about hiding during hunts. Closets and lockers are empty so u can hide from the ghost. When u hide, all of ur equipment must be off, the closet/locker door must be closed and u can't make a sound. The ghost also can't see u enter the hiding spot. Looping is a trick pro players use. It can help them figure out the ghost from their speed, abilities or blinking speeds (ghosts blink during hunts and some blink at different speeds). To do this, u just need the ghost to follow u around a large object like the tables or campfire on Camp Woodwind. If u want to learn how to do this properly then watch a video from a guy named Psycho on YouTube. Paying attention to the ghost abilities is key in Phasmophobia. Some ghosts can trick players and throw them off guard. An example is The Mimic abilities. 1 of the abilities is that it can copy ghosts. Another is that it can give Ghost Orbs as a fourth evidence, which can trick players into thinking it's another ghost type.
You can double click on evidence in the journal to rule out evidence.
If you want more tips then I recommend watching Psycho and Insym on YouTube. I can provide link to their channels if u want.