Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we do Ghost Gambling but we also do Insanity mode, which is one of the hardest difficulties in the game. ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.4
Lets goooo a long video!❤
I love ghost gambling!
Started playing more phasmo and getting better because of you’re videos ty😁
like 14th 🙂
I started watching as aoon as i got the notification
Hey Insym I think YouTube finally fixed itself. Videos and streams are on recommended as usual!!
Please please please try out the game called “shipwrecked 64” it’s soo good and got some crazy lore!!
Did you know that u can get a double photo from crucifix and ghost writing (Interaction and ghost writing or burned crucifix)
27:10 I don't trust the "That shouldn't be possible" with this game anymore! We had a Spirit yesterday hunt within 2 minutes of being smudged (had a timer running), there was no way past the ghost without the smudge taking but it still hunted way too soon so we thought it was a Mare because it flicked a light off twice pretty soon after we turned it on and it broke a light! Was on Nightmare and we had Spirit Box and Writing, ruled out Deo and Polty from a hunt and second hunt was the one that I smudged and then it hunted while I was getting the bone we forgot.
super ghost orbs
Always a pleasure ro eatch ghost gambling😊
Next door neighbor is your next customer
I was just watching the last insanity ghost gambling when this came out lets goo!
Wouldn't it be nice if you had 2 votes, one for the ghost and one for an evidence type. I don't know if this would work with twitch but I think it would be a good way of spicing things up again.
dude that first ghost wtf. it just sang constantly and then wasnt a banshee. i hate it when they do that lol
Yooo Insym you gotta play NOT MY NEIGHBOR its just like papers please from what ive seen. Except with a horror element
I know the Obake is guaranteed to shape shift at least once during a hunt but can it do its shapeshift out of view of the player and then not change shapes the rest of the hunt?
i love the orange shirt
old shop and cursor lets goooooooooooo
This is an old stream from twitch, I thought something was new 😢
how is this guy not at like 10 mil he deff deservers it
14:11 I died of laughter
Oh Crap! The disturbed Radio starting simultqniously to the hunt was so eerie 😢
This guy hasn't had a chicken nugget in 10 years !?! da fk..
Can you do a Monstrum all ending run?
Always doubt 1st roll, for easy points. Then go all out for the rest.
i’m glad my parents didn’t namecheck me. my first and last name together became a great ice breaker 😂
4:30 "where are you?"
Ghost: "I'm hitting the Griddy"
7:45 that ghost photo was so funny 😆 keep up the good work
Could you teach me how to play?
why is he not going for a perfect game?
46:22 scared the crap outta me lmao
wow the exact same challenge with a different title and bad niche. poggers!
Wish I knew what the Reddit name was
look into outer wilds, you’d like it
Hi @Insym, have you heard of a new horror game called "zoochosis", it is sort of fnaf but you keep a zoo and it has some hunting phase. Hope that you could make a video on that and gave us your review.
The Phineas and Ferb reference was great 😂
Please try dying light 😭
If ghost can throw the book, in conclusion that it can't write in the book.
Why not devs make the goriyo to turn off dots, when player near by.
Like goriyo has a 20% chance to turn off dots when player is nearby.
Many thai names end with 'porn'. True story. It's pronounced something like 'phon' though. Often it's "censored" to 'pon' in foreign countries so it doesn't have that bad clang. It means "blessed" or something like that.
Hey insym can you please play sometime with kippieldv?
Actually if the ghost throws the writing book it can still be ghost writing. Had it happen on two separate occasions. First was on nightmare mode the second was on professional. I placed the book down, twice in a row, and it threw it both times right after then it wrote in the book less than 10 seconds later.
I know you have more experience with bad goryo. But I’ve finally been able to get the game and my most insane ghosts have been goryos. Like I’m thinking they’re onis until I get UV.
1:29:10 I am also one of those Haha big number 😂
the first round i figured it would be a demon. It didn't do any early hunts but a few key details..
Ghost events teleport the ghost. The ghost teleporting to Insym has nothing to do with the banshee roam, Events just teleport.
Secondly, there were like 6 events and none of them were really singing.
Lastly, singing during hunt means nothing.
So there really were no signs of it being banshee in fact the odds seemed against it.
what if you combine chat = ears AND ghost gambling? so the chat has to listen for things and determine if its what they want or not, testing their own skill at identifying the ghost for gambling
11:00 banshee because it did a ghost event on you? i thought ghost events can trigger map-wide regardless if its a phantom/wraith/banshee???? i think it even says so in the phasmo wiki
27:32 something SHADEy is happening