Insane GRANDMA ATTACKS in Phasmophobia – LVL 2552

This run was amazing! Especially near the end we get so many crazy grandmas in a row. Including probably the scariest jumpscare I’ve ever had in Phasmophobia. Hope you enjoy this run! I really enjoyed this challenge and will definitely do more of this! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


32 thoughts on “Insane GRANDMA ATTACKS in Phasmophobia – LVL 2552”

  1. 20:31 I was playing the other day in the farm house, and had a ghost event in the living room; took a great picture of the ghost, and then checked my book and it was… listed as bone. Like. Ghost smack dab in the middle of my photo, and it was listed as bone instead. Searched that area, and then the whole living room, and couldn't find it //anywhere//. By complete chance, when I was running away during a hunt later, I found the bone in the back bedroom, placed in a spot that would've been exactly where I was aiming my camera – through the ghost, through the wall, and apparently, at the bone instead.
    Oh phasmo, how we love you.

  2. My brother committed suicide today and it's nice to be able to unwind after a tumultuous day with a phasmo run from Insym. It's a small relief and I'm still very numb, but it's a welcomed escape nonetheless.

  3. These long vids are always the highlight of my night. Missed today’s stream due to a job interview but I’m really happy you’re streaming and doing okay after this weekend’s chaos. Thank you for the content Insym! <3

  4. I think that when you have the ghost type figured out, or at least placed in your book, you should be able to use the tools to complete secondary objectives. But they cannot change your decision.

  5. Insym: (Bleasdale) No board this time..
    Me: Wait a minute.. Am i missed check of the shelf (first room left side) in first floor and room all the way back on ground floor?

  6. i got a challenge. the challenge is living in the house chanllenge. you cannot leave the house no matter what and you will only have items that are in houses. like crucifix, photocamera and torch. you have to determine the ghost by not leaving the house at all. you need to live in the house. recommended to play with other players

  7. I like how the chat around the first game was confused if Pancake day was every tuesday and they thought it was taco tuesday XD

    For me, Pancake day is an annual thing. For example, this year it happened on the 16th of February. It usually follows on a Tuesday and probably the Tuesday after Valentine's day.

    It might be just an European thing but Idk-

  8. For the "no light" run idea I think at least a candle would be nice. Up to you of course but I wouldn't enjoy the completely dark screen. Alternatively, you could go light sensors only haha.

  9. Day 54 of 2021 appreciating Insym's daily uploads <3
    16:18 Yeah, not like that didn't creep me out AT ALL.. that was really scary.
    On the topic of room items: Items in houses when playing on Professional could at least be randomized per room, makes it harder I guess.
    Also I love that Poltergeist, or as you called it: Bansheegeist went all the way down, I'm really hoping the whole subtrait of ghosts is a thing~

  10. I've got a challenge variation idea that I think could be interesting.

    High Stakes Ghost Casino:

    You mentioned before not liking Ghost Casino without a wheel because you could just guess the ghost type with the most useful evidence every time. This is my proposed solution.

    Before the game, you place your bet on which ghost type it will be and bring along only the evidence associated with that ghost. In addition, you must place a bet by rolling a wheel of all available equipment. If you are correct, casino proceeds as normal. If your guess is incorrect, that piece of equipment you wagered will be gone for the rest of the session. This incentivizes going for an actual guess over just picking whatever ghost type gives the best equipment.

  11. I think a good change to make the Oni and Shade more distinguishable is to make the Shade truly "shy", by making it so that it physically manifests less even when you are alone (i.e more throwing stuff, closing doors, making the loud breath sound, turning on radios and ringing phones = shy to show itself until it hunts), and an Oni can be the opposite, does more of the random appearing, the walking towards the player, etc. Or something like that.

  12. I'm watching this while I'm baking. Never had this much fun making cookies before! Thank you for the Daily enternatinment Insym, you're awesome <3
    Also I love the Challanges you do. Ghost Casino is so much fun to watch!

  13. I feel like a "no lights run" would be interesting to watch live, if the brightness is adjusted just ever so slightly, like from 1x to 1.3x or something.
    But I also understand that it wouldn't really be a great YT video to watch. It would just be something to experience together and get involved in chat with.
    Basically it'd be a cool run to experience together live, but a boring run to watch later, provided nothing too out of the ordinary happens.


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