Insym Does the Level 12.000 Mega Challenge in Phasmophobia – Livestream from 11/12/2022
I stream every day on
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7
2nd comment, Insym doing cool gamer challenges, i love your vids and im sub since u were lvl 1500
Great stuff insym keep up the great work
time stamps you savage
Been waiting for this for days!
So, I want to say you mean a lot to me. I hope you like lurkers though 😂 I looked at my twitch recap and you are my third most watched streamer… looking at details though, hours watched: 606 messages sent: 9 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 love ya Insym and I know you probably won’t see this but, keep doing you dude you are awesome.
love watching the updates, but they need to update the hand positions for the items because it's very distracting once you see how they look
i thought its el mimo
cant wait till its level 100k
Was anyone else screaming that Insym and Chat totally forgot about the campfire ghost being Spirit Box?
That ball game around the pole it is real I had one in my backyard in elementary school
USA rules twit!
good for people who has winter break because i have 3 more days left and its the worst days