Insym Plays the New Phasmophobia Update with CJ and Psycho – Livestream from 28/9/2022
I stream every day on
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.0.0
But did you about the lady in the lobby tho? (69420)
hi chat
Hey guys 😊
😨 scary….
Hey gamers! Welcome to the VODS fam.
Hey insym, if you turn the brightness up in the game and look out the window you can see the lady. 😉
The new update is absolutely SHIT.
It needs a much more powerful computer than before and me and a friend struggled with our Ryzen laptops…
Before even his old 2016 Intel 6006U laptop was able to handle it.
The "new office" is pretty ugly because and feels not even a 10th as "home" or "comfy" as the old place and the new SHOP is horendous.
Where is the button that lets me ADD ALL ITEMS at once?
Why do I have to walk through HALF the office to go from MISSIONS to ITEMS?
Why do I have to use a second board to use the mission and another one to start the mission?
Every person that favors DESIGN over FUNCTIONALITY in a game is an idiot. And has no clue how to develop games. AT ALL.
All of this nonsense makes the game LESS GREAT and adds noonsensical EXTRA STEPS to the gameplay.
TBH I feel like the devs are idiots. Its like back with the new Item designs.
Also fix the stupid TRUCK lights. They look crap but the moment you look through the camcorder they look great inside the camcorder? Is that a bloom issue or what?
(Turned off and maybe the camcorder still has it?)
these guys are just compatible together, may they keep being like these for us to enjoy
Am I the only one that thinks insym is beautiful 😍😍😍 x
The Jacksepticeye update
I would stop playing with CJ. It looks bad in light of his recent conduct.
I love when Insym plays with CJ and Psycho. These are my favorite VODs.
So the whole part with music and singing got cut due to copyright 🤣 VODs channel missed "rats, rats, we're the rats" galore.