This is a fan channel. You can find Mouse’s official channel here:
Mouse usually streams around 10:30 pm EST on Twitch.
Full vod:
Mousey’s co-stars:
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"Turns into"?
The only creature that can defeat El Goblino
Them ghosts do love a little Mousey!
Pure, unadulterated A N G E R Y
is it her Time of the month?
Ironmouse tranforms into La Llarona
Ironmouse is triggered
In the words of Mousey: IM ANGY!
Wtf happened? I haven’t seen Mousey this broken since Melody said pussy in Spanish, except she was laughing then and she’s just breaking down now
I can relate to that " Puta "
God, I was laughing so hard at this.
"Me angery"
I love mousey
I really want a video of irl mousey freaking out
she seems legit upset. This is new.
This what happens when mousy has too much iron
she only needed some churro xD
angry ironmouse
Ghost: Oh hell naw
Them ghosts just love beating up on mouse XD poor girl
Even when she's Angry she's still so cute.
Sounds like an angry kitten at first though and yes I know how one sounds because we raise cats here
1:52 (amgery gremlin engine noises)
"Mousey, are you oka-"
" N O "
Give it time; the hurt will dull and clarity will run its course.
I nees my dose of Mouse Noises once in a while.
squeaky and angry
The Iron Mouse needs hugzziz
Angy mousy
Ironmouse is the embodiment of "no talk me i angy"
I don't know which is scarier. A deadly ghost or a pissed off mouse?
After seeing how much she gets fked over in that game I wish there was a way to dono ingame currency to her for reals
Some how her voice kept getting higher i just don't know thats possible but it was adorable
enjoys drinking coffee and seeing Mouse get mad