Jantungku cuma satu ges, jangan minta yang aneh-aneh

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

You can support me through here~
📖 https://trakteer.id/cecilialieberia/tip
📖 https://streamlabs.com/cecilialieberia
And I will read in on “Donation Reading” or “QnA Stream” if I miss it :’3

For collaboration and business Inquiries:
📖 [email protected]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ini dia Peraturan di Perpustakaan:
🌟 Boleh banget untuk clip dari livestreamku
🌟 Gaboleh gelud, OOT, dan spam ya? Maacii~
🌟 Gaboleh ngomong kasar sama sekali!
🌟 Melanggar = Ku bonk pakai kamus tebalku

Here are The Library Rules:
🌟 Feel free to clip from my livestream
🌟 No fighting, OOT, and spam please? Thank you~
🌟 No bad words at all!
🌟 Break the rules = I’ll bonk you with my heavy dictionary

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Follow my social media:
📖 Twitter: https://twitter.com/CeciliaLieberia
📖 Facebook: https://www.fb.com/CeciliaLieberiach
📖 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cecilialieberia
📖 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cecilialieberia

Follow my sisters & brother:
🗡️ Elaine Celestia: https://rememories.id/elainecelestia
🎹 Reynard Blanc: https://rememories.id/reynardblanc
💫 Lily Ifeta: https://rememories.id/lilyifeta
🍀 Chloe Pawapua: https://rememories.id/chloepawapua

#Phasmophobia #CileLive #CeciliaLieberia #Vtuberindo #virtualyoutuber #バーチャルYouTuber


22 thoughts on “JANJI SOLO!? 【 PHASMOPHOBIA 】”

  1. Maafkan aku Cecil, Jika aku membuat dirimu Marah, maksud hati hanya bercanda. Tidak ada niat buruk sama sekali.😓 Aku sungguh menyesal, Maafkan aku😞
    Jujur saja, aku langsung gemetar dan gugup.
    Terima Kasih Sudah memberikan Stream yang terbaik😓🙏

    Di tunggu Stream Selanjutnya.


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