JITS Reunion Stream! – Phasmophobia!

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/skizzleman
JITS Reunion Stream! – Phasmophobia!
Main Minecraft channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mcskizzleman
Shared Channel w/impulsesv: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImpAndSkizz
Podcast Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@impandskizzpodcast


26 thoughts on “JITS Reunion Stream! – Phasmophobia!”

  1. First Forewarned with Joker, now JITS is back together for Phasmo. Always enjoy the Phasmo streams/vods as a way to unwind after work and uni. Absolute perfect level of chaos!

  2. It takes about 30 seconds for your eyes to adjust from light to dark, this is why pirates wore eye patches so when they went below deck they swapped the patch over so they could see in the dark

  3. I was watching this from impulses POV and ca,e over to see why you kept dying. The flashlight is fiddly, if you turn it on while holding it then turn it off with T it will be on when you cycle back through, you did this twice which is how the Rev and Demon found you. This has got me a lot too so I try to only turn the light on/off with T which prevents it turning on when cycling items. Hope that helps, no idea why the spirit got you, that one seemed to kill you through the door.

  4. JITS! 🥰 love this crew so much, I’ve missed seeing y’all stream together! Personally love the dynamic between Skizz and joker so anything with those two will be perfection for me ❤

  5. skizz you keep turning on your flashlight and leaving the doors open – you can't have the doors cracked like that, the ghost can sense you! close both of them, turn off your flashlight, and hold one of the doors closed, that way they can't open both of the doors. when the ghost opens the other door, shut it and hold it shut, and switch if needed. pressing t does indeed turn off your flashlight.


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