Around 2:36:00ish in the VOD
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【Source】 :
【Phasmophobia】a short stream since i need to grind the level to 1000【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
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【Kaela Kovalskia / hololive ID】:
#kaelakovalskia #kaelaugh #holoid #hololiveclips #hololive #vtuber #vtuberclips #hololiveid #entertainment #phasmophobia
S p e e d .
It was very fun stream, many many lemao moments 😂
"Pake uangmu dulu ya bro, nanti gw ganti" akwowkwowkw
nice fail 😂
Less people more profits, Kaela taught them well xD
Amazing how fast she got punished when she wants to prank Pemaloe.
Ela mabar sama viewrs-nya?
Kaela ran out of luck since pemaloes already out of luck fron the #KNB69 grind just days ago. Now the karma and bad omens are shared equally. LMAO😂
weh gercep, baru juga kelar….
pemaloe prinsip. cuan > Ela
Oshi kualat kayak gini ges contohnya. Pemaloe biawak semua mau dikadalin, nyaho kan.
It's the least she can get after draining all the luck from pemaloe 😂
Her fans be like: ' You might be our favourite,but this is all about profit!' LMAO
Buaya mau dikadalin 🤣
One of the best lemao moment, thank you guys for made it happen wkwkwk
renyah bgt suara ngetawaain kaela nya
"I will carry this game"
*die first
Kaela mati
Pemaloe : "udah tinggalin aja udah cuan kita ini"
Kena karma sih aowkwk :v
ngakak pas bagian ini 😂
"Karma itu kilatt" – Wapres Tarakarta
When your luck comes back but you don't want to give it to the oshi for a little bit
Aduh ketiduran gak sempet nonton 😂
lmao, git gud kaela
That was funniest Phasmo stream from Kaela, I laughed so hard many times last night.
Also, thanks for including my SC in the clip 🙏🏼
Short Stream YgY
Pemaloe: cuan
*silent laugh with gorriela mask
instant karma is real
Like fans like oshi, commedian fans for commedian oshi, nice😅