Welcome to Phasmophobia! We’re ghost hunters now. We’re tasked with learning about what kind of paranormal activity is haunting up a building. This game features proximity chat and best of all, voice recognition. So the spirit we’re trying to talk to will actually know when we’re asking a question or saying its name which make the game extra spooky. This is such a unique game, I love it. Enjoy! This was streamed on my Twitch channel, so be sure to follow me over there if you want to catch me live! http://www.twitch.tv/zeroyalviking
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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
#ZeRoyalViking #Phasmophobia
Phasmo gaming lets goooooo
I love the phasmo content Ze <3 the laughs I’ve had watching are amazing
Love your videos Ze!
I can already tell how this is going to go just by the laught kill and the "We are professionals".
Phasmo gaming lets goooooo
Haha, Junk nailed it 😀
Getting flashbacks to playing this game… first time playing and everyone I knew tossed me in first and shut me in the room with the ghost on the hardest setting. Feels like a rite at this point to get new players to know how to play the game lol.
It was too fast, he would've laughed when he saw the hands
Unless they've changed it in the recent updates, spirit box does not respond when you're in light. Jinns also only move quickly (teleport) when they can see you
I love that the first thing Ze and Emerome did was bring Junkyard into one of the hardest version of the game immediately after only a couple of sessions with Platypus and Jeremy. 😂
love the phasmo videos, very fun to watch. for the spirit box : you want to have light closed, alone in the room, and you wanna be walking around while speaking because it has a short range so if the ghost is not near you, you will not get a response. Also for the singing ghost event, the banshee is the one who has a bit more chance to do it, it's not a sure way to guess but in doubt it's way ot choosing.
You have the spirit box right, its just a bit fucky. Same with ghost writing, though that seems better since the update. J&P always had issues with those two from time to time.
Haha omg poor junk. I don’t blame him I’d be dying all the time too 😂😂
Anyone got the clip of ghost responding to Ze with the spiritbox in his stream with Platy? I’m interested in it 😊
Jeremy and Platy must be so proud their little ghost hunters all grown up and immediately terrorizing Junk.
I feel like half the vids I watch on YouTube lately are just Junk bitching
Touching the radio lights up your location to the ghost
3:49 iirc that has something to do with either the monkey's paw cursed possession, or solving a riddle that you can reveal in the lobby with a blacklight.
A lot of ghost interactions won't happen with the lights on in the room. You are correct regarding the spirit box.
:O another lovely phasmo video from ze, well i'm 100% watching the entire thing 😀
don't worry junk, there are far worse difficulties 😀 like insanity or a big part of the custom difficulties you can do 😀 but i hope you will enjoy the game i find it tons of fun to figure out the ghost by behavior :3
That symbol and riddle you found was part of a meta-puzzle that the devs put in some months ago to reveal a hint on something in development (and still is in development afaik) In the lobby once you solved all the riddles a hidden puzzle would spell out two words.
Point Hope, community speculates that is a new map.
Spirit Box only cares if the room lights are off, it doesn't care about other light sources like candles, your flashlight, UV, DOTS projector, motion sensor any of that, just the lights connected to the switch/breaker.
Junk died because he wasn't holding the closet door shut. That's the concern with those hiding spots, you NEED to hold the closest door shut or else the ghost can open them and kill you.
Ah, poor Junk, he wanted to come on an adventure with the newly experienced ghost hunters Ze and Em, and they drop him on such a hard difficulty immediately. It was a hilarious session, of course, especially Junk's death by random laughter, and Ze's continued journey to reach someone on the Spirit Box! I also felt bad that Junk didn't hold the closet door tightly enough, although thinking about it, you'd expect that if a ghost really wanted to kill you, a door shouldn't be enough to stop it, lol. Overall I really enjoyed this next entry in the Phasmo series, and I can't wait to see who Ze goes hunting with next!
Have to ram spirit box with questions not just 3-4 and say not spirit box
We chose to believe the Narrative that the laughter kills
Oh god, it's just Ze, Eme, and Junk on nightmare? Who sent the interns into nightmare alone?
6:30 the only thing that matters is whether the room lights are on. You can have flashlights, UV lights, Dots, and Candles in the room and spirit box can work.
15:35 Eme said that it wasn't a jinn because it wasn't fast when far away, and she is partially right. A jinn's speed ability only works when the breaker is on and the jinn has to have line of sight in you. Since she had the breaker turned off and she was hiding she couldn't actually determine whether it was a jin or not.
had a feeling that last one was a moroi because it says they have hyperosmia (heightened sense of smell) and junk smudged early on and it didn't hunt until near the end
20:53 Junk might not have muted his mic and the ghost heard background noise.
33:38 the ideal Onryo test is you place a candle on a cross and every time the candle is blown out you relight it. When a candle has been blown out 3 times (can be 3 separate candles as well as just 1) an onryo will hunt 100% of the time. However if you have a cross under it it will eat the cross and not hunt.
So the test is *candle*, *candle*, *candle*, *immediate cross use*. If the cross gets used before the third blow of thw candle, or if the candle is blown out 3 time and the ghost doesnt hunt, then it isnt an onryo.
37:17 not 100% sure why you thought it was poltergeist. You had said it felt poltergeisty when it was turning off the breaker, but the poltergeist doesnt have a higher chance of messing with the breaker. It also doesnt throw thing in a wide range, just throws a lot around it and can throw really hard.
However the breaker being turned off could have been the twin in the basement randomly interacting with the breaker.
Junk is fantastic ghost bait.