LEGENDARY No Items Challenge | Phasmophobia

A lot of people asked me to do this so here it is: I did Tanglewood in Phasmphobia without using any items, not even the flashlight.

0:00 Intro
6:55 Found ghost room
9:44 Best waiting scene on youtube

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23 thoughts on “LEGENDARY No Items Challenge | Phasmophobia”

  1. 16:00 Don't need to apologize Psycho. Real ghost hunting is also often a trial of patience wherein ye have to wait for hours to get even one inconclusive evidence, to say nothing of getting any conclusive ones.

    Even a hunt with lots of "evidences" could end up with most if not all of them ruled out as non-ghost events.

  2. Watching you play while eating cake. :3 Best! I have a question for you. When you go inside the building alone and you have 90% sanity and your teammates have all 0% sanity. Does it influence the hunting behaviour or is the average snity which is on the screen inside of the truck relevant? Something which bothers me for some time already. 😀

  3. So often lately I think the ghost room is one room bc I can literally get every bit of evidence in that room and then when I'm stuck on there last piece of evidence I'll go looking for the bone or something and come across a room that's freezing. So confusing. I guess they give you evidence when wandering also. Adds so much to the game play for me.

  4. Impressive! Definitely big braining clowning on this ghost. I'd LOVE to see you do this with a non-freezing ghost too though! I find non-freezing a lot more fun. Also wow, this dude was so inactive I kept thinking Oni but then remembered it was freezing.
    edit: Also figuring this out in only 2 hunts!!!


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