Had so much fun playing this with these awesome people, I really hope they find this, I felt like i was showing more of myself and was a little more open and wasn’t as shy, as for editing the intro I had so much fun tinkering with it and trying to make it fit the vibes of the game which i felt like i accomplished, I really hope you liked the way it came out as much as i did, i would’ve had my avatar on show but OBS was throwing a fit, so i just left it as is xD
[PC Specs]
Prosessor: Intel Core i9-9900K
Graphics: AMD Raedon 5700 XT (Soon to be the RTX 3060 TI when its back in stock)
Editing software: Photo Pad Pro 😊
Video Editing Software: WonderShare Filmora9
My Social corner:
Twitter: VrWolfKun
TikityTok: vrwolfkun
Avatar: Hibitsune Liqu
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Hope you enjoyed 😀
Hope you enjoyed it ^-^ as much as i enjoyed editing it, Please consider subscribing if you liked it 😀