Let's go camping! – Phasmophobia

Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/

John: @John Wolfe & https://twitch.tv/johnwolfe
Sinow: @Sinow & https://twitch.tv/sinowbeats
Gary: https://www.twitch.tv/thehotcross

♥ Edited by MegaFragile:
♦ Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

♦ Find me on:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gabsmolders
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gabsmolders
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabsmolders

#phasmophobia #multiplayer #indiehorror


48 thoughts on “Let's go camping! – Phasmophobia”

  1. I was waiting for this! Been watching the last year's episodes few weeks ago and IT WAS HILARIOUS! Do more of this please, been enjoying the company of John & Sinnow so much since in your playthrough!

  2. I wonder why Kravin is not playing with them anymore. I remember Gab mentioned he had other stuffs to prioritise but I might be wrong. I'm not implying that they are no longer friends in case someone want to speculate (like you know them better than everyone), I'm simply just curious.

  3. Loving the videos Gab!!

    P.S. You probably already know, but PLEASSEEEEE go back and play the updated demo of Mortuary Assistant! It is amazing now and you will LOVE it! 🙂

  4. 19:42

    Gab: "Oh yeah. They added new bones. You can take a picture of it."

    John: "Oh, does anyone have a camera?"

    (Silence, realizing nobody brought one on site.)

    Me: *sensed the awkwardness and decides to make cricket noises to fill the void*

  5. 🏀の股抜きヤバッ!!笑


  6. In Nightmare mode, my WHOLE team was wiped in 15 seconds because we were running away back to back to back. so the b*tch killed me, my son and then my sister. It was HELL

  7. I LOVE when you guys play together, I care little about the actual game and more for the interaction. Not to say i don't like the game, it's just not the main reason i watch these.

  8. It took me almost 10 minutes to place John wolfe's voice in this video idk why. But that's so cool!! John is awesome it's cool to see gab working with him.

  9. What a great video! But somehow I can help felt nostalgic.. I missed the old crew (gab,sinow,john and kravin) so much.. Too bad you guys schedules not match anymore.. But Gary is a good teammate too though.. I hope I will warm up to him soon..

  10. Did you know…you can screw your friends by using the radio during a hunt (like John was trying to at the end)? Most or all ghosts are attracted to electronics now…at least if IGP and friends are to be believed.
    Gosh I love watching Phasmo groups.

  11. Hi Gab! Just wanted to mention a funny little update thats happened since this video. I'm pretty sure it's this map, once you walk out the van and look to the left you can see slenderman in the distance sometimes!

  12. Would love to see you all come back together for the new update. Me and my boyfriend havent played since the Campfire update which was absolute one of the best updates in a long time second to the addition of the freaky DOTS projector. This update really proved the upgrade in quality that we'd hope to see in the future. I really hope we get some real haunted house inspired maps or IP based ones (Well at least just inspired, since they don't want to charge for DLC which is something IP Holders would require to their paydays)


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