You all know how much we love Phasmophobia, so when we were told Devour was pretty much like Phasmophobia but swapped out spooky ghost hauntings for gruesome goat demon possession well, we were curious. So join Ian Higton, Zoe Delahunty-Light and Aoife Wilson as they find out who is the Greatest Of All Time – Team Eurogamer, or Anna and her cult of demons… #Eurogamer #Devour
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The stream returns after a break at 1:14:26 with a little Phasmophobia.
At 1:19 for the impatient
I swear Zoe jumps more when her colleagues innocently run by her rather than the actual jump scares put in by the developers.
27:17 Punintentional if you will.
Looks like a solid game. Id be curious about replay-ability in the long run.
"Fuck around and find out dipshit" – Yep, Im gonna need that on a tshirt.
A horror Homes Under The Hammer with Aoife would be a series I'd definitely watch.
This was pure chaos and I loved it! Would love to see more of Devour.
Maybe I'm being a bit reductive towards evil death cults, but isn't summoning and becoming possessed by a demon sort of the point?
This game has nowhere near the tension of Phasmaphobia. The whole point of that game is that it's a stealth experience you approach intelligently against an enemy that you have no defense from. Both are clumsy, but someday someone is gonna get this formula right and it's gonna be blazeballs.
This game makes me jump more than Phasmophobia and I love it
Goat (burning) Simulator. Also, bumbling-cultist-simulator.
Seems not bad for 4$, but also seems like the gameplay may becomes stale once you're tossed 2-3 goats in the fire.
Ooo Azazel….have yall seen Fallen with Denzel Washington, that Stars Azazel too
Devour seems like the american remake of the japanese original. Ok, pretty but less refined.
This game looks cool. Really like how you can see the demon just walking around between hunts. If I had to choose, I'm still picking Phasmophobia but Devour seems like a good one to mix it up every now and then
>Stop her hunting twice with a crucifix
>Reads that Banshees are scared of crucifixes
>"I think she's a wraith"
"A great team of absolute cults" I see what you did there Ian
I just couldn't deal with killing goats so I skipped to 1:14:21 instead.
Can't believe 'F**k around and Find out' made its way over to this stream as well XD 18:30
Zoey screams to much
Plenty of swearing, plenty of screaming–this is totally the Eurogamer content I came for! 😀
After watching a few streams of Devour, I believe the developer had named Anna wrongly, it should be Karen with her temper…
Normally when I’m watching horror games, I don’t get terribly tense or freaked out by it, but my mental health has been in the toilet lately, and I’m still a little short of breath after how tense and panicked I got watching y’all getting chased around in Devour! So, small bonuses to feeling generally shitty; watching this stream and getting genuinely freaked out was a really enjoyable way to cap off my day! XD
Ian's character looks just like the cult leader in the new Wrong Turn movie…
19:05 the demon possesses Aoife look at those glowing eyes.
In order to deal with the upsetting nature of throwing goats in the first and carrying them like that, I have decided they are actually the physical form of demons. Red eyes, weirdly sized, able to immediately fling a door off its hinges. Not real goats, demons.
15:05 Zoe! That scream scared the shit out of me!!!
They posted a Dev update on 5th March about the new upcoming map. So there is more content coming.
IRL I could picture Aoife using Ian as a meat shield whilst Zoe rocked the UV light and handled trash-talking from the back.
… But on a serious note, the game looks good. ❤