Let's Play Phasmophobia – HUNTING GHOSTS IN VR MODE

Greml-Ian returns! We’re back with more Phasmophobia as Ian Higton, Zoe Delahunty-Light and Aoife Wilson take on an assortment of spooks, ghouls and spectres – plus their own incompetence – and try to make it out of a haunting with all three still alive… for once.

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35 thoughts on “Let's Play Phasmophobia – HUNTING GHOSTS IN VR MODE”

  1. Zoe: "I have $500 and a bit of sense." loses everything by staring at a wall
    Aoife: "I'll be the responsible one." is the responsible one, but still dies
    Ian: "I'M IAN! SPOOKING AROUND SO FAST AND FREE!" hides in every cupboard, contributes almost nothing to the team, and nothing bad happens to him
    That's what ghosts get when messing with Team Eurogamer.

  2. How long has lockdown been going on over there? I think Ian needs help. On that note, I think he's also extremely lucky not to be in the same room as Zoe who would certainly have murdered him if the internet hadn't been in the way.

  3. Turn your light off when hiding. And turn around so we can see and so it can't get behind you. And stop saying the name. You're only supposed to do that as a last resort to get action if it's shy.

  4. The way it works is that there is a checklist the ghost AI has when starting a hunt. One of the checklist items is to see if there is a Crucifix on the ground within 3 meters.

    If the crucifix is on the ground already when the ghost tries to hunt, then it stops the hunt.

    After it does this twice, the crucifix vanishes. Apparently.

    I sent a request on the twitter line to add some visual clue that the crucifix did a thing.


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