Let's Play Phasmophobia New House Update – NEW GHOSTS + NOWHERE TO HIDE IN WILLOW STREET

Calling all semi-professional ghost hunters and Bundy fans! Team Eurogamer are back with more #Phasmophobia and this time it’s their turn to try out the new Phasmophobia update and explore Willow Street! Willow Street has no closets or lockers to hide in, new ghosts, and you know what that means…lots of screaming. Aoife Wilson, Zoe Delahunty-Light and Ian Higton will have to hide behind furniture in this Phasmophobia gameplay to escape the ghosts, and you can bet there’s going to be plenty of Phasmophobia scary moments! #Eurogamer

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34 thoughts on “Let's Play Phasmophobia New House Update – NEW GHOSTS + NOWHERE TO HIDE IN WILLOW STREET”

  1. Hey eurogamer I'd like to thank you and oxtra for making me laugh as it has been 2 months since my beloved grandmother passed away I still feel the pain daily and your videos and streams help me laugh and pull myself out of that hole so thank you all from my heart.

  2. Thanks Eurogamer for the nice birthday surprise! I was asleep when you were streaming so i got to wake up to a new phasmo video. Excited to see what Aoife, Zoe and Gremlian get up to this time!

  3. 🎶Ian could go lower than I really of thought he could,
    Face down ass up,
    The back of his head hairier than his ass crack,
    Ian pull your pants up,🎶

  4. This streamed at 5 AM for me so I missed it. But 2 minutes into the VOD, and I’m laughing lots. ❤️ y’all.
    Update: Ian’s “What did you call me?” was not lost on me, and I laughed quite a bit at it.

  5. By the way smudge sticks have 2 moments of effect. The moment you light it it has a large area effect. Also when it goes out it has a large area effect. While it is burning it has no effect it's just animation. So to use it stand away from the wall on one side of the room then light it. Then go to the other side of the room again away from the wall and drop it. Also a smudge stick can be used to repel a ghost during a hunt. You have to wait for the ghost to come close to you then light the smudge stick and drop it in the direction of the ghost. This will give you a few seconds to run and hide.

  6. These phasmophobia streams with you guys are my absolute favourites! Still working on that embroidery to celebrate all the best/funniest EG Phasmo moments – missed the stream but was gonna ask in a superchat if there’s anything Zoe, Aoife or Ian would especially like added to it?
    (Oh and still accepting suggestions from the EG community of course! Love this place. Btw anyone know why my member badge doesn’t show up next to my name?)

  7. From the April update: All ghosts except Revenants will now move increasingly faster over time if they see you during a hunt. The speed will only drop if they can’t see you after they have checked your last known location.

    So even if the ghost isn't a revenant, you can't outrun them anymore if you don't break line of sight.

  8. Ghost hunting tips to remember for next time.

    Verify if the ghost responds to a group or alone for evidence gathering. If it's alone and you stay together, it's really difficult to find anything.

    Spirit Box only works in the dark.

    To gather fingerprints quicker, ask the ghost to interact with lights and doors.

    If you don't get ghost orbs in one angle, always try another. Especially with ghosts being able to wander.

    Save smudge sticks for hunts for you to escape. It repeals the ghost when they're close.

    Love these streams! I just want to make sure you guys don't get frustrated by the game

  9. "Disc-based media" … I keep buying 4K and regular Blu-Rays because you usually don't get any special features when you rent or buy streaming media. I love me some director's commentary and outtakes.

  10. I think it's because my actual name is "Ian" that hearing Aoife and Zoe say it repeatedly and reprovingly in irritated-parent tones is… a wee bit of a turn-on? That's probably a touch icky, but it's the truth.


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