*New* Phasmophobia Wtf & Funny Moments & Best Moments..
💜Hosted by Sana💜
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❓ Question of the Day❓
What is your first memory of playing phasmophobia?
(00:25) – Intro & Question
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About no arcade 2.0:
When it comes to my videos, I like to do things differently compared to other highlight channels. I have interactive and original narration with commentary in my videos where I explain what is happening in the clip, I also love to interact with my viewers by asking them interesting, educational and sometime funny question at the start of my every episode and in the end I also read and reply to their top comments and answers. With all these changes I am adding value to the content, If you think I do , remember to subscribe!
My first memory was a Tanglewood demon with 4 players because i was scared to play alone!😆
my first memory of playing phasmophobia is when i was playing on vr and my friend wanted me to play it with him. it got real scary
(*What is your first phasmophobia memory?*) me becoming ghost bait without knowing what I was doing. My friends baited me into giving the ghost a hug
My first memory was playing willow street and getting tarot cards. We ended up doing roulette, and it was really fun! Also great video as always!
My first several games bring back slightly painful IRL memories. So I don't remember them exactly.
My first memory was in Tanglewood were I was playing with a friend and I was all time scared of everything
that 21 million gotta be hacks
A shade killed me on Ridgeview. That was on the very old patch though, when there were no differences between Oni and Shade
my first memory of phasmophobia was a wraith during training that did a ghost event right next to me and scared the hell out of me, this was a long time ago back when the hunts and events were not easy to tell apart.
Oh jeez, my first memory I can think of was in my very first tutorial mission, I got a kitchen Wraith that did a ghost event right as I came back in the house right by the door, it teleported to me and just popped out of nowhere. I have never been more scared of a naked man in my life.
My first memory was Edgefield banshee who was hunting for my friend xD
My first memory was walking into tanglewood without knowing how the game works. My friends pulled me into the game, no explanation whatsoever. Suddenly, the door shut behind me, I saw the ghost making a b-line for me. Tried to open the door but obviously couldn't. I died then and there and was never the same person as i was before it happened. >.<
I made it into the video! Thanks for putting me in, was a truly funny moment.