That's new tactic. Leave book and emf in front of the camera. Have the emf facing the camera so you can see how many lights while being safe in the van. Stan tactics
i am curious how these tarrot cards work, did they disappear after the revive? do they only work in the house? or could they have just sat in the van waiting to get the revive?
That sponsorship placement was really jarring and didn’t fit at all for the video due to lack of a proper transition and someone else entirely speaking.
15:18 hopefully you all know this by now cause I don't want to tell you things that u don't know cause u want to figure it out urself but kaif's life basically flashed before his eyes as the hanged man is a 1% chance and kills the player instantaneously.
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1:00 Kaif, what did you expect to happen?🤣😂
the first 60 seconds kaif off himself
I love robot wars, my grandad used to be in it haha
That's new tactic. Leave book and emf in front of the camera. Have the emf facing the camera so you can see how many lights while being safe in the van. Stan tactics
Oh yeah horror where the guys screaming is fun😂
The screams!
The squicks!
The horror
0:57 POV: Your girlfriend told you she's pregnant
How did kaif tell the ghost to write in the book while at the van? Do cams have speakers now or was it through Daz's walkie talkie
Can we have a moment of respect for poor Glen thinking robot wars was Rob williams
Daz got the best scream out of em
Loved It!!👍🧡
Keep Up The Good Work!!👍
Thanks For The Meal. 😋
Till Next Time!!👋
Stay Safe. 😷
Kaif and Glen conversation explain why Glen is kind of bad at video games.
the ad/sponsor was so instant i thought i got an actual ad and it took me a while to realize there is no skip button
aww ebbz's drawings for the promo are so cute, glad i saw them 😀
The first one was 100% a demon, holy shit those attacks were close
i am curious how these tarrot cards work, did they disappear after the revive? do they only work in the house? or could they have just sat in the van waiting to get the revive?
wait.. hold on.. what happened to SR's office?
Ironically Death in tarot can be a good thing since it signifies change
Kaif: Uh oh
Ghost: Hi! Welcome to Chile's, how may I help you?
Can we say Stan killed Kaif in that first
summonedhunt?I'm so upset I instantly recognized Sea Shanty 2 from the background of the ad read… Maybe I should lay off Runescape for awhile xDD
write in the comments!
That sponsorship placement was really jarring and didn’t fit at all for the video due to lack of a proper transition and someone else entirely speaking.
Ah yes the perfect time of the year for satanic rituals
Oh god the sea shanty theme 😂😂 we are totally not pirates
If all the characters that appear during the surfshark ad are members of SR then who is the naked bald one that appears first?
15:18 hopefully you all know this by now cause I don't want to tell you things that u don't know cause u want to figure it out urself but kaif's life basically flashed before his eyes as the hanged man is a 1% chance and kills the player instantaneously.
Screamed like a girl!
i hear da port sarim music i think of the trap remix and this one Sea Shanty 2 with the bois
Merry Christmas
3:06 Here we see a wild Daz questioning his life decisions while in imminent danger from a ghost right outside his vicinity.
I love their reactions to seeing their friends horribly killed
2:54 I never heard glen screamed like that