We are NOT DEAD?! The new Phasmophobia update is very scary but you can still stay COMPLETELY SAFE if you play well! In this video I test the newest patch v0.23.1 and show you everything you need to know about lockers and closets, as well as a lot of fun memes and shenanigans. Hope you enjoy this video! Let me know what you think about the new patches in the comments below! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
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The patch notes for v0.23 in #phasmophobia:
1. Fixed several “safe spots” in all levels.
2. Fixed a bug where the ghost would get stuck when trying to navigate to a location it couldn’t reach such as a closet or locker.
3. Fixed a bug where you couldn’t change the difficulty to professional if you were below level 25.
1. The ghost can now hear Non-VR players when hunting in single player without you using push to talk.
2. The ghost can now open locker doors similar to normal doors.
1. The ghost can now open doors, closets and lockers when hunting which can be stopped by holding the door. The ghost will still walk through doors like it did before.
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Do you need to hold push to talk for the ghost to hear you?
The new Steve Irwin except he's wrestling with a ghost instead of a Crocy? 0:00 – 0:12
Perhaps test what things you can hide behind in rooms. Now that it can open doors and will follow you into rooms.
If the developer’s think that looping is too common and/or not “horror appropriate” they could move the objects used for looping against a wall, some examples would be the couch and the car to the living room wall and car bedroom wall respectively. Looping may be intense and scary at times, but at I feel it doesn’t feel right from a logical standpoint and can make a horror game become an action game, but maybe that is okay.
hey so maby if the ghost has a reconizing code that allows him to increase speed 0.01 per sec if you are always in line of sight, making long streches and looping not always safe
I think looping is mostly okay? But the thing is even without looping you are naturally faster than almost all of the ghosts. Just knowing that is a very comforting thing, which I don't think the game should give to us. The fear of being hunted by the ghost should be quickly finding a hiding spot and hoping it's good enough. If the ghosts were just slightly faster than you, then you know you have to break line of sight in a hurry to have a chance of escape. So just a general buff to ghost speed or heaven forbid a nerf to player speed would make the entire game much more scary, I feel. Would this make the game unfair? I don't think so. The very nature of Imperfect AI is that it's not going to take the very shortest path to get to you. As a human, you should be able to build the skill to cut corners tightly and make loops clean as a whistle. The ghost will follow you faster, but it's not going to take the most efficient course. Therefore looping is still viable, though harder, and yet just straight outrunning the ghost is no longer so easy, especially on bigger maps like prison and high school.
The game nails the atmosphere, for sure. What I think it needs most right now is certainly quality of life fixes like they're working on now with the add all items button, but more importantly they need to increase the fear factor. They should add more sound effects that are tied with the model the ghost has, like a child laughing for the little girl one, or a woman sobbing, or an old lady singing or calling out to you, etc. This would be simple because the models for the ghosts already have nothing to do with what type it is. So hearing a woman whispering death threats in your ear isn't going to tell you that it's a banshee or a jinn, but it will make you pee your pants a little. They also need more death animations than just the fingers thing, perhaps based on the type of ghost (since knowing what kind it is after you die doesn't really help much, does it? Kind of like knowing who the imposter is in Among Us doesn't help if you only found out because they killed you.) Or again they could base it on the character model for the ghost for a safe and easy route.
Lastly, they should work on updating ghost animations for sure. I know that's not priority one because they are working on mechanics first, but the graphics/animations of this game could be improved immensely to help with immersion. Right now it feels very unfinished because of how clunky everything is.
So those are my suggestions:
–Make all ghosts slightly faster than you (with Rev still being much faster of course and Jinn still zooming)
–Make the game scarier with additional sound effects tied to each ghost model
–Add new death animations besides the fingers.
–Update the animations of the ghosts and the overall graphic quality to further boost immersion and scare factor.
I also still want to see more types of evidence, more ghost types, and most importantly, more ways to interact with the ghost aside from just observing it and running away. Give us ways to exorcise it after all the evidence is collected maybe! Make defeating and expunging the ghost a bonus objective that you can stick around for! That way if you're too scared you can just settle on observing, but you can earn big money by confronting the ghost and taking it out as well!
wait… this is youtube?!?!?! it cant be!!! hELP SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE THIS ISNT TWITCH!!!!
referring to 15:14 on the vid
IMO u should only be able to hold the lockers and closets for a few seconds,just enough so that u can ask your friends to distract the ghost before the timer is over and then it would go for them instead if they were making a lot of noise or were in his LOS and give u a chance to not die just because it saw u going in.This would create amazing teamplay moments especially if they also made the ghosts(except rev) a bit faster when they have the player in LOS.
And just make the ghost go through objects and walls if it knows or sees where a player is like it does for doors that would be CRAZY FUN.Imagine juking a ghost into a room and when he goes through a wall to shortcut u leave by the door.
so, no longer can we just afk in closets
The ghost was like:
I can hear him here before but I can't open it… slightly opens closet
Is that him?… slightly opens it again
It's hard to see in the dark… slightly opens it one last time
Wait… It is him… proceeds to kill cheeky guy
I would love to see ghost be able to climb countertops to counter looping…
Imagine seeing the ghost crawling on top of it… XD
There's always 3 dislikes on your videos at the time I watch them, are they possibly Nancy, Susan and Elizabeth? 😀 thank you for the birthday greeting btw, made me smile <3
Edit: OMG you and Psycho know each other now! I've been trying to hook you up for weeks now lol I'm so happy
Insym, game suggestion for you in VR. Play Drunkn Bar Fight. It's amazing and I would love to see you play it. You basically fight in a bar hence the name. It's also pretty funny
ay i was there
8:33 Are you okay Insym? Have you just seen your sleep paralysis demon or what? 🤣
Ghost: It's hunting time, I want Insym dead
Also ghost: imma use have my brain and not go through other closet door
I think it's already good, but can be improved and fixed some bugs about it. I just want to see they implement the wraith ability to go through doors, because as of now, wraiths don't go through doors like the description about them.
1/3 PepeLaugh
Just too gamey that you can prevent ghosts from entering a closet/locker door but can't prevent them entering a bedroom door. Either the ghost can't enter any door you hold shut or the ghost can enter every door (except building exits heh). All the risk goes away though if you can always hold against the supernatural malevolent critters, so I'd say make all doors passable by ghosts. But I don't think ghosts should ever search closets unless you make noise, even if they continue to open doors they pass. Otherwise you're always at the mercy of RNG which makes arbitrariness more decisive than skill. There has to be a smart way to play other than just taking sanity pills. So closets should be "safe havens" in at least that way- off limits unless a player is heard in one. Requiring you to keep quiet in a closet/locker or die sounds perfectly reasonable to me and is already enough of a challenge for hiding. Is it not much scarier when you know you have no way to stop it coming in and- if your only option is to hide in the closet- STFU for dear life?
And, mind you, for all the "but closets/lockers are OP!" outcries I hear, you don't even get them in every map. Even Bleasdale only has the one backroom locker, so it's either loop or press your luck hiding in rooms. Grafton has none. And Edgefield/Ridgewood/Tanglewood all have parts of the map where you've got no closet/locker nearby if the hunt starts when you're there.
One thing I do wish they'd improve while they're at it is to make every door they pass through open. They have them opening doors while hunting, but then while following your voice past a closed door they pass right through them. Either they need to open doors or they don't.
What I do like in the stream, even though we are far apart from each other with different time zones but when the stream starts, it feels like hugging each other and watching at the same time. Ughhh. So much love! ❤️
I am in love with this game and I go into a house every time with almost no fear after watching your vids.
This type of "aggro" gameplay seems nice to improve/include ghosts that are target specific because while you can just bait a rev, a banshee would just not care and actually be dangerous if she gets buffed (because to be honest, they aren't really a threat compared to other ghosts)
Petition to add ghosts spawns in closets
"Youtube doesn't know they are watching on YouTube"
Now I am lost. Where am I, what am I doing here? Why do you keep begging the ghost to kill you? So many questions.
I died in the closet… Bloody ghost xD
when does this update come out?? also love the videos keep up the good work 🙂
Personally, I think that as long as the ghost can see you, the hunt will continue. Or something similar.
Insym the game tester incloset and inlocker
edusym? is that you? xDDD
Firstly love your videos.
Well I think: 1. Mare should disable all lights including a players flash light during hunts, since it hates light. 2. Wraith should be able to move through objects. 3. They could make Oni, since its an aggressive ghost move on walls and ceilings. 4. A spirit since it always seems to be a wild card ghost, mimicking other ghost behaviors, so maybe it should do that during hunts, mimic other ghost hunt mechanics. 5. Poltergeist should close doors, move objects in your way, like a mannequin would teleport in front of you as you are running. 6. Jinn could maybe instead of run faster just teleport around, but only if the lights are on in that room. 7. Demon cold maybe project fake instances of himself so you would get confused which ghost is real unless you pay attention. 8. Banshee could spawn on top or really close to it chosen target if the target is in the room with it when it starts the hunt. 9. Yurei can have a reduced timer based on how low your sanity is before it can kill you, so if your sanity is below 10% instead of having 8 sec to hide you will only have 4 sec. 10. Phantom could have a very slow blink in and out , basically almost being invisible during hunts. 11. Shade could hunt always as a shadow that is slightly visible. 12 Revenant can stay as is. To keep players inside the house they can add an additional objective, finding the ghost strength (the older the ghost the more powerful and deadly it could be). So the ghosts can be level 1 through 5, you can use an EMF during a hunt to determine its strength as you hide in a closet/room that it passes by the EMF would register the reading. With each level the ghost could have better or more abilities, e.g a level 1 revenant would be slower than a level 5, Wraiths could go through more and more items with each level(so a level 1 could pass through 1 wall or obstacle and level 5 would have more power and could pass through 5) , demon could start hunts just by getting angered, Yurei could track players with low sanity if its a higher level , Jinn can track people with turned on flash lights, UV lights, Spirit Box, etc. So a amature could be investigating level 1 to 3 ghost with a small chance that the ghost can be level 4 or 5, intermediate would mostly investigate level 2 to 4 with a small chance of level 5 or 1 and professional would go to most difficult investigations with deadly ghost of mostly level 3 to 5 with lower chance of level 1 or 2. Level 1 ghost – has a small chance to kill you during hunts, Level 2 ghost – has a high chance of killing you, Level 3 ghost = current ghost with hunt modifications, Level 4 ghost, you could die if you out in the open, Level 5 ghost, you most likely are dead if caught in the open. During a hunt all cameras should be disrupted like the radio is, so you can't just drop a camera near an EMF. The ghost strength should be an optional objective but should have half of the money and XP attached to incite players in staying at least through one hunt and discovering the ghost strength. That is my idea.
I feel as though if you're in a ghost's line of sight for a long time (IE: running down a long hallway with it following you the entire time without ever breaking line of sight) it should get faster over time. This was the thing I was admittedly saddest to learn about while playing Phasmophobia, in that you can just avoid the ghost (most of the time) just by jogging away in a straight line. It's just not an engaging game mechanic.
I wonder if you could trick the ghost by throwing something to distract it, since it now navigates by sound
Boy's room closet isn't safe anymore 🙁
I tried holding one of the doors and ghost just killed me
Ghost should just be able to walk straight to you ignoring all furniture 🤣or make all ghosts as fast as the revenant and make the revenant even faster 😮
Also I’d like to see specters added and the demons should be the most dangerous ghost in the game 🤔
You should try toilet stalls and see if the same method works
Sometimes I feel like the only real "risk" to looping is a revenant but then I usually try to hide from ghosts
Idea: not to change ghost speed but make it disappear for slightly longer periods while hunting. This could be a change for higher difficulty like professional and it would make looping harder by giving players less time to see ghost's location
Doucesnozzle is pog especially with the do do after
Very pog
How come I don’t have the update?
yes i did that 0:00 @Insym