LOVING the new creepy Spirit Box – Phasmophobia

I didn’t love it at the time but they’ve nailed it with the updates and now I can be scared all over again.


46 thoughts on “LOVING the new creepy Spirit Box – Phasmophobia”

  1. I like how it's more responsive but I liked the other robotic sounds better. Spirit boxes IRL don't make such human sounding noises, kinda kills it for me but still thrilling

  2. I play this game with the same friend every time and I always have to do the spirit box when the ghost responds to people who are alone and the messages freak me out lol

  3. I never got a reply from spiritbox and thought I was doing something wrong, I always asked "where are you" etc and never got an answer. Yesterday I asked "where are you" and got an answer, then I asked "are you friendly" and he answered "yes". I tried to take a photo of him so I started shouting "show yourself" and "attack" but he didn't do anything and then he said "help". He was one of the best ghosts I've come across while playing this game.

  4. My mic says it isn't working in phasmo but I seem to get interaction from tlaking to the ghost on the spiritbox even though I never get voice? Am I just unlucky because I've played about 10 games and not gotten voice or do you think my voice recognition is broken?

  5. Used the spirit box for the first time, standing at the back of the room, D.O.T.S in the middle, "Rachael Moore, are you here?" instantly D.O.T.S starts flashing and the ghost vibe checks me, keep in mind i was at the back of the room so the ghost jumpscared me, ill just stick to the EMF thank you very much

  6. In our 4 persons team I am the main spirit box speaker and its soo cool when ghost is saying sth. Btw pro-tip for u guys if the ghost will end the event u can go to the place where he did that and get responsne often than normal talking in his room.

  7. Haha love it
    You: where are you
    You: where are you
    Ghost: I'M BEHIND YOU
    You: NOPE NOPE
    Me: that's so relative 🙂
    Ghost in my game: I WILL KILL YOU
    Me: dies
    Ghost: ha

  8. I think it would be cool if they actually turned it into a realistic spirit box, where you can audibly hear the individual station changes and the ghost makes a sentence or says a word out of it


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