Making friends in Phasmophobia is amazing! The community is incredible (although it also has some trolls and rude people)! My experience in public lobbies has been amazing overall! I really enjoy meeting new people and this game is one of the best ways of doing that! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on
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Question of the video: How many hours have you played Phasmophobia?
Let me know in the comments and in the questionnaire below!
Our Community “Get to know each other” questions:
About the challenge wheel:
The link to the challenge wheel is too long to work in a youtube description, if you want the wheel you can join the discord and check the pinned messages in the #phasmophobia channel.
They should add some more unique maps. I want a train yard where the ghost can actually use the train horns. Imagine a poltergeist there, it would be insane and hilarious. That and the multiple interior areas would make it more interesting when trying to find it. Or a cathedral, that would be really spooky
I've learned so much about phasmo, just by watching your streams and videos.. I like beeing the one that is smart, against a mansplainer. :/ SMH. Anyway i showed the mansplainer and his friends (his friends are nice, not mansplainer) about the EMF 5 while we had a banshee on Asylum. Showed them on the graf about the EMF 5. Luckily I was the one that the banshee wanted. Also had to show them the spiritbox, the mansplainer didn't belive me when i said that the box was indeed on. I use the box all the time now, can't stand the scratching noise the box makes. So thank you so much for teaching me to be a smart phasmo player 🙂
What is the EMF trick?
Haunted wooden house with caulk on attic and with poopy water in sink, in middle of nowhere. Perfect map for making friends.
How many hours i played in phasmo – zero
Could you do a video where you gave us tips for the game? Like, the spirit box trick where it becomes silent, etc
101 hours level 370 and I can't wait for that cursed grafton run to come on youtube (:
Keep it up, always watching the streams
0 hours in LUL, I just love to watch you play 🙂
Love how Insym always calls out stupid comments. Annoying that they still continued. Nice to see they apparently got kicked.
That aside, random lobbies can be so much fun! I recently played with two girls from Denmark, probably sisters, that were so funny and cute! They were like level 7 and 19 or something and really scared, one of them screamed when the ghost walked towards her and then apologized lol. They also really appreciated learning something about the game. So wholesome🥰
But that also seems like a gem, many lobbies I joined (also Europe) are really kinda weird.
Hey Insym, not sure if this is just me but the last three questions for the google form haven't shown up for me when I edit my response unfortunately 🙁
(keep up the good work, I watch all of your videos every day and they make me very happy)
Clean run! :D💕 I tried the game without vr for the first time yesterday while playing online with my brother and sister-in-law. Nearly got my brother killed at one point on the first try since I wasn't used to opening doors on pc. Oops xD 🙈🙈 But hey we did it 😛 I got a lot better with a bit of practise. Yay
After watching most of ur videos. I understand this game alot better now. Never gonna play it tho but enjoy watching you play 😁
hope i get to play with u a day am not feeling too shy/anxious. Maybe i'll keep watching u play instead ♥
I’ve been watching these videos on Youtube almost religiously recently and one of the things that has stood out to me the most is how nice he treats everyone. The amount of weird comments I’ve received while playing games just because I’m a girl makes me not use my mic in most games if I’m not with friends, but seeing how he tries to protect the people he plays with from weird comments in chat and asking the chat to stop means a lot and makes me feel better about maybe using my mic in the future
how do you add so many items to a mission that quick, dont you have to click separately every time?
Insym is a great gamer who is very kind to others especially when he plays in public lobbies.
Can I just say, nice Caulk
chat was not very pog this game 🙁
i only have 9 hours of gameplay sadly –___–
Ghost dying makes game much trickier
i was there pog
oh… hello there.
spirit box: E
Currently have 107 hours in Phasmo
Ah yes the pre 420 smudge sticks
I like this random you played with. The kind of player you don't feel like you're playing solo around. The "are you winning son?" and "Ohhh yeah…" sealed it. 😆
I got 268.5 hours in the game, thanks for the amazing content btw i really like it. i hope one day to play a round with you
You said you like all music? first off- same.
second- if you like any metal music listen to the album " The Silver Scream" by Ice Nine Kills. Every song is based off of a famous horror movie.
if you have time to do this that is.
I like how the thumbnail is from Kaif's stream… Should play together sometime
yeah you see those legs up there?
" OOOhhh wow! look at that, huh"
your videos are really cool, love them 🙂
I wish they had things like, reverse maps sometimes
I only have 82 hours in the game, because my friends got tired of playing and it is not as fun with randos, and I'm too scared to play alone lol
I think I played for about an hour before I couldn’t take my friends VR setup anymore, but it was still fun! Have a good one Insym!
How do you check in-game hours?
140.8 hours so far