Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I show you how you can make absolutely CRAZY amounts of money on the new update. With the new investigation bonus you can make absurd amounts of money on all the big maps in the game. So take your friends to sunny meadows and go crazy! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8
Everyone gonna be rich af now…
bro ppl actually watching the same game for 45 years now? how boring is ur life?
You really need 3* for perfect investigation bonus? Sounds like a scam
I have recently been watching your videos and got hooked I love your content keep it up I lover seeing your energy in these scary games and can't wait for the next video
As happy I am for people who do enjoy nightmare, I personally, after lots of playing it – got way too bored of it.
The customs were like the only thing I enjoyed to play. But it's totally not worth it, considering how many times you may die and make a loss of items.
Sure you can tell me, then turn off the item loss but like…then it's not that great anymore. Idk how else to explain it.
It was better if they did some sort of a cap, like a 3 evidence custom can max be a 5x, 2 evi max be a 10x and so on. And also remove the multiplier for the bone (so ppl can't farm it)
-60 is still …ass.
One day, Insym will call the devs midnight and say I will have made a better version of phamso with this and this bugs
JC – we will fix that in the next update.
Insym: *says anything*
JC : we will fix that in the next update
thats cool
Devs : custom matches will now give 80% less rewards.
Insym : hold my smudge sticks
Hey there, Insym! Did you see part 3 of me suggesting things to you? Idk if you did, but in case you didn't, it's on the "You won't believe how Terrifying the NEW REVENANT is!" video. As always, you can still either tell me to stop if you want me to stop, or delete my comments to let me know. I check everyday so i'll know if you wouldn't like me to do these.
In my opinion, they should leave money as they was before on custom. What should they change was experience we are getting.
But maybe they make this in progression update
Just a pure professional skills
When is the level 12000 challenge coming out?
I believe it was about to come out last week but the new Christmas update kind of messed up the schedule I guess
Are they ever going to port this game to console?
8:00 The moment I saw the Crucifix Area show up briefly in the area, I instantly knew the chat would go like crazy with "DOTS, DOTS, DOTS".
Looks like a possible move towards micro transactions in the future. Phasmo is getting popular enough, so it wouldn’t surprise me.
I don't know if it's fixed already
But we were doing new event so it's intermediate
And by dying I had around 600 $ because of the insurance
So my teammates made ~160$ and I got ~689$
I still don't understand why they don't just tie getting custom bonuses to getting the ghost right, otherwise you get base mission rewards.
Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy 😊I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $9,000 investment every 21days.
Nerfing custom difficulty is going to drive a lot of seasoned players away. So is this to punish older players?no one needs money, but it feels like a reward. Getting jack shit for a harder game? Why play phasmo now??
i literally got 635 for insurance in intermediate while doing the holiday quest
I can't even load the game after the update, even after the patches. 🤬
What about more casual players? My friends and I have been playing this weekend for the event and seeing the new changes and we'll come out of a match with maybe $60 on Intermediate. We wont usually get objectives like escape a hunt or smudge during a hunt, but we take pictures of the cursed objects, bone, and other smaller objectives. Though if one of us dies and has to buy new equipment, it's like 1k for a new set. I don't fully understand the changes to money earning, I know it was broken before I guess? But what else can you buy with money other then the equipment to just play it normally. I know the devs have been working hard but it just feels weird to earn $60 on a map and now I'm genuinely concerned I'll run out of funds.
Dang! But still sad about the custom rewards
*bugs suddenly happen
Insym and the chat: CJ!
So next update patch will ne removjng or reducing the perfect investigation bonus
At least custom difficulty is now -60%
the custom difficulty reward should be:
-No ghost, no objectives -80%
-ghost, no objectives -60%
-ghost, 1 objective -40%
-ghost, 2 objectives -20%
-ghost, 3 objectives = full reward
Even if you get all objectives you still get -80% if you did not find the ghost.
With that, you get what you deserve
4:07 "ah im not hearing this ghost" Myling comes sprinting at him
Perfect 24x was around 2700 lol you don't get more
I guess 80% wasn't enough
i love your 10-25 minute videos! <333
Remember to add your comments to the Steam discussion boards. Higher chance of developers seeing them.
Nightmare on big maps will be impossible if the ghost decides to change rooms
Shouldn't you just be able to do hide and seek on the board? This saves soms sanity and the board itself, right?