Markiplier Animated: Phasmophobia -ft Bob and Wade

Phasmophobia is a game where you try to identify ghosts while they hunt you. If you’re Markiplier, they EXCLUSIVELY hunt you.

Gaming Channel:

Original Video:

Thank you for watching 😀


26 thoughts on “Markiplier Animated: Phasmophobia -ft Bob and Wade”

  1. I was hoping for an animation from that time they played with Jack and Jack's perspective was of Mark's distant scream and they all laughed so hard and the first thing Mark heard when his death was over was everyone laughing…but this is delightful, too, and no mistake. I LOVE these animations, they're so good! I hope you get recognition from Mark, like Lixian did, you deserve it, good sir or miss. 🙂

  2. the pure dumbassery of this trio can only be accurately conveyed by this style of animation. Buff Wade’s squinty eyes, Mark smacking into the counter and scaring the ghost, Bob’s face popping up randomly in the corner from his broken radio. chef’s kiss.

  3. I know you have enough on your plate but just a thought: the new video of Mark, Bob and Wade playing Fishing Simulator would be awesome for animation, too, I daresay – the way they run towards each other and miss, Mark stealing Wade's fish and so on – perfect parody material there and I would love to see what a loraxed fish would look like. Pardon my enthusiastic double-posting (resistance was futile).


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