Games Played: Phasmophobia
Stream Title: Ghost hunting
moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Playlist:
#Cr1TiKaL #moistcr1tikal #penguinz0
Fuck why do Andrew’s insults make me laugh so much
Kind of funny how little they knew about the game, like Andrew saying zero sanity meant death and them walking around during a hunt without dying cause they’re playing in amateur
mans doing God's work
When Andrew was screaming in the distance, it made me laugh so hard, it was a natural antidepressant; because I was feeling like shit before.
NieR epic
Thanks for the uploads, man
I love smoking weed and watching charlie
Please do this with kaya it would be awesome to have all 4 from the official podcast
8 hour stream let's get ittt
they start playing at 18:13
My partner watches you all the time and I enjoy your content, but you’re so loud. Every time I wake up in the early morn to tinkle, waddling through beer cans and Chinese food packages strewn about by my beloved, my ears get blasted by the speckling, screeching god awful audio my tv emotes. I know that part isn’t you. It’s just what I associate with you. Also we’re the same hight.
i got zoinked in an asylum one time, half of it was burnt up, i saw a bunch of weird shit, i smoked a massive doobie and the absolute fear from the scary place and the anxiety changed the way i view the world, im a lot more brave because i feel like i survived that shit
I would have loved to be part of that stream and say "Charlie Charlie are you here?"
New players should learn from these, watch what happens before they find all the evidence and see if you can tell what the ghost is
Bro. I fell asleep to this this morning and i tell you what. Best sleep i have ever gotten in my l i f e
I love how Charlie says Crucifex not Crucifix
8 hour stream fucking chad
Ty for the upload!!!❤
where do i get friends like this??
anyone know where andrews full stream is at
How do you become part of the pre-Notification gang!?
This should be a Halloween tradition
5:18:33 makes me cry literal tears
Matt is the worst shit talker i've ever seen
1:12:10 even the game knew they needed to get thier shit together 🤣😭
These guys seriously need to do a ghost hunt somewhere, I know it'd sway Charlie's disbelief a bit.. My first actual ghost encounter certainly did it for me 😅
When the computer turned off he had genuine fear on his face lol
1:20:48 never heard charlie's laugh continuously 😂
idk i’ll get back to this later
23:18 – New Game – William White – Ridgeview Road House
25:01 – Number of pics on camera
51:32 – New Game – Ruth Jackson – Ridgeview Road House
1:20:40 – Auto Tuner Magazine
1:28:55 – Charlie picks up “cold spot”
4:56:48 – New Game – Daniel Harris – Ridgeview Road House
5:00:10 – Daniel Harris is a lamp
5:03:37 – Daniel Harris eats salt
5:18:21 – Andrew fucking dies
5:50:55 – New Game – Margaret Wilson – Bleasdale Farmhouse
5:55:06 – New Game – Mark Thomas – Asylum
6:10:52 – New Game – Dorothy Moore – Bleasdale Farmhouse
6:32:28 – New Game – Patricia Thomas – Ridgeview Road House
s0ul_3ater666 rly out here paying to have a conversation
I got a 8hour shift guess who’s watching him
noticed how charlie wasn’t laughing at the “sassy black women” jokes, and that just goes to show how much he truly cares about dismantling that learned racial stereotyping behavior. love this man, my favorite youtuber
I get exited when 1 thing is in my steam inv and he got 307
8 hour stream wasnt lying when he said he was a fucking unit
“mark white the Vietnam war is over you can come out”
23:16 – First Game
51:30 – Second Game
1:10:40 – Third Game (Andrew gets scared)
1:12:14 – Fourth Game (Jackson Disconnects)
1:18:42 – Fifth Game
1:47:23 – Sixth Game
2:12:02 – Seventh Game (Connection issues)
2:18:49 – Eighth Game