We’re back with more Phasmophobia! It’s Friday The 13th, we know what’s happening tonight! Hope you guys enjoy the stream! PEACE!
Friends in the stream:
BrandonPatNEGamerzz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0vP-KLLBF1AQT7JGL4tCWw
JonTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO2ic8QodEsHCkO4Bjy1x7Q
Diamond Chi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw8G3OmmCe6G9ViRvoLvapQ
Link to my discord server: https://discord.gg/UPXjHpwxQb
My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sauvesterbot95
My Donation Page:
If the stream buffers, it’s either my internet cutting out, or it’s my PC slowing down. I do apologize if that happens.
Rules for the stream:
1) No spamming
2) No drama in the chat
4) Respect the mods
5) Have fun and enjoy the stream
Hello there, welcome to my channel, what I do on this channel is gaming videos, sometimes vlogs and also SFM (Source Filmmaker) Animations, animations on songs, skits, memes and more!
Please ignore any swearing, drama or fights, me and my friends are only here to have fun.
Jon 2024 First Time? Jon 2024 What Sink Did you Fart on. And Also Jon's nose hairs are bonus evidence
10:11Jon: gasp 😀 hand it over >:]
Thanks for the stream, Logan. It was funny. I am so glad to get to see your livestream before the blackout occurred in where I live because of the storm. Thanks again, Logan.❤😊
That was so amazing Phasmophobia livestream with Brandon, Jon, and Chi on video Logan.