Music Box Explained | Phasmophobia

In this guide, I explain how the music box in Phasmophobia works, as well as how to use it to either locate the ghost or capture a photo of the ghost. Please leave a like and subscribe if you find this useful!

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16 thoughts on “Music Box Explained | Phasmophobia”

  1. It's sorta the opposite of the cursed mirror. The mirror is more useful in the smaller maps like Tanglewood, Edgefield, Grafton etc, but hard to use in the larger maps like Prison, High School and Asylum. Music box on the other hand is really useful on the larger maps but risky in the smaller maps since you might unknowingly start playing it next to the ghost and start a hunt.

  2. The music box is my 3rd favorite item to use. But my favorite in the game cuz of the song they sing 🙂
    I love using it for ghost photos and forcing hunts for objectives.
    The music box is currently the item I used in my speed run perfect game record on tangle nightmare at 1:49

    Had a Rev with Photo, salt, escape hunt. Bone in nursery. Ghost room was dining xD

  3. Very informative!
    It helps a lot although i don't know when will the ghost start to walk towards the box.
    When you started the musicbox it went on for more than 5 seconds and only when you started walking down the stairs started the ghost moving as well.

  4. What's weird for me is that, whenever I find the music box and and play it, the ghost's singing never gets louder even though I know exactly where he is. I had a round where we found the ghost room and I played it just so and the ghost sounded far away even in the room. It rarely helps me to pinpoint the ghost.


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