My 4000th Game of Phasmophobia Was Amazing

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! in this video I play my 7000th game of Phasmophobia. Some people say I play too much Phasmophobia… Those people are correct. But I still genuinely love playing it. There are so many ways to make the game crazy it never gets old for me. I really hope you enjoy this all maps run! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.1.3


33 thoughts on “My 4000th Game of Phasmophobia Was Amazing”

  1. One time I tried to loop the ghost around the campfire on woodwind. Upon getting close, it slowed. I assumed it was a deo, so I started mess around, but the campfire turned off and I exploded. It was a hantu

  2. I do just love watching this game as much as I love playing it myself. I wish I had more time to kill on it, but I did jump 30 levels in the past week while I had covid. These were great to keep me going through that sick. I'm glad you still play!! Thanks for the laughs 🧡

  3. So we were playing this as a duo with my friend as we always do on custom difficulty. No sprinting 150% ghost speed this time because my fiend is a madman. I went into the basement to check for breaker and ghost and immidiately got freezing and an item thrown at me at the base of the stairs.
    As I'm reporting this to my buddy the ghost, Demon, uses its ability to hunt at nearly 100% sanity and spawns on top of me.
    I don't think I screamed louder since I was 10 lol

  4. Hey insym! There's an awesome FNAF fangame in roblox, its caled "forgotten memories". The thing about this game that i want you to play is because of the gameplay mechanics and the graphics. Hope you play this game and have a good day!

  5. The Yokai might be broken right now. We ran into the exact same weird thing with my friend. The ghost zeroed in on us from really far away and it was still somehow a Yokai.

  6. Most of the time I play on nightmare settings but only thing I change are 3 evidence given (Nightmare sometimes completly surprises me even after 500 + hours) either the ghost wont do writing or emf 5 .. other then that I dont usually messes with the settings. Setting all interactions to high are very fun though!

  7. At first when i first watched your video's i was curious about the game i was on observation duty so i watched u play the first game for it and it went to the next part and the next u know the deal and then. I started watching your phasmo vids with cj and phyco and thought to my self this is good i love this channel and here i am watching u evertime u upload something about a spooky game not always tbh and ever new phasmo vid

  8. This is so awesome i love these long videos. And i just wanted to say that, through your phasmophobia videos I became more and more attached to the game. You give me huge Inspiration for new challenges and crazy shenanigans, which also led to my friends doing these as well. I know this sounds kind of cheesy. But i just want to say thank you for every challenge video, glitches, dev videos and informative videos. I gained much more knowledge at the game. Now leading to me almost noticing every ghost behaviour and it brought me at last to the beaten 24x attempt on the first try. I know this comment probably is way to long but i would like it if it is noticed somehow.
    Lastly I just want to say keep making this awesome content and remain who you are.
    I think i can talk for the whole community if i say thank you :).

  9. I feel like something to keep in mind with the initial negativity towards nightmare mode is that the game itself was different back then. Modern Nightmare Mode gives more hiding spots than the initial version did (before we started hiding behind doors in response), and the ghost type behaviours have been made significantly more obvious than they were when Nightmare first released.

    You could legitimately end up in situations where a shy Oni and a cracked Shade could become really hard to tell apart pre-ghost personality update.


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