What a brave man I am.
What’s that? You want to download a gamer executor? Here you go – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU73kAjs8z4&t=4s
My Discord Server Cures Your Virginity – https://discord.com/invite/2JvzgY35y2
Roblox Cult – https://www.roblox.com/groups/11035196/Xeruss-Mangos#!/about
your mic is working
Yo dude
Scary idk what to say
first 😭😭😭😭🤩🤩🤩🤩💯💯💯💯💯
First in a xersus video
Lol nuub
Pls pin secknd
father xerus playing game that isn't lego game hacking! 😏
phasmophobia is hot bro
Legend is back
I use synapse x to drive my car
Lol ur so bad
Play The Tutorial It Teaches You Alot
The Key To Open The Door Is On The FUCKING DESK
Salt And Extra Equipment Can Be Bought
The Blue Light Is Not A Torch Its A UV Light It Shows Ghosts Fingerprints/Footprints
Press J To Open The Journal And Go To Evidence And Click On The Evidence You Have Discorved
Join The Phasmophobia Discord People Will Help You As The Normal Multiplayer Mode Is Shit
If Your Still Shit I Could Help You More
3:22 This a worthy 17 dollar game
Me: Oh really
Downloads a bootleg version of it
Me: Uhh u sure?
Also 5:15 You dont have friends
when you pick up the key, you cant see it in your hands. So after you pick up the key you can just go to the door and unlock it.
You can put down the book with the F button because some ghosts can write into it.
Man who keeps children down hes basement goes to some scary ghost house then does ghost detective???????????
do u still hate us
Phasmaphobia At its finest fps
a roblox exploiter plays a horror game
epic content ril!!!!!
Daddy xerus just watch phas videos ez pro game and kid get phas inf money save satay shit ez w
hey 🥶
you pc is 8 gb ram
You should really watch a tutorial in youtube or somthing and you should keep playing this game cause I want to see you scared
Timer is peace timer, if it goes to 0 the ghost starts to hunt at random moments
Xeesus playing other game? 😳