Welcome back to Phasmophobia, and welcome to one of my shortest videos ever. The goal is to find three ghosts as fast as possible. Let’s see how we do. ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.10.1.2
Nice run insymmm ❤❤
Insym play the new dead signal update
Tried to speedrun, got two goryos and a banshee, ended up taking over an hour
i had 3 obakes in a row LOL
i had an obake that touched a door 9 times and didn’t leave uv once.
W run Insym
Alternative intro for this video: "Hi youtube, how are you doing, welcome back to phasmophobia today we are going to try out the brand new revenant gamemode, hope you enjoy, if you're not subscribed please do so, if you like the video like it if you dislike it, dislike it but let's not waste any more time and let's hop into the games let's go!"
My speedrun was being scared and leaving after 2 seconds
7 minutes? Thala for a reason 😭🙏🏿
I speedrun every phasmo game i take with a 5% success rate
Insym: Dieing is faster
Me: no thanks!
this challenge was super easy for me i dont even think it gave me the timer
INSANE luck to get a thaye, then 2 phantoms…… only 4k subs from 1 MILLION!!
My first run in this challenge was a demon. It hunted immediately. I spent the first couple minutes hiding in the front bedroom closet with the ghost standing there. Still only the second challenge I completed, with no deaths
Had a 50 seconds run yesterday. Tanglewood, ghost touched the door the second I came in, spirit box, deo sound 😂
Yep i definitely speedrunned
It took 3 hours instead of 6
Why isnt there a man of medan video
took 1 minute
Me and my friends were just drawing tarot cards until we get a hunt so we weren't speed running exactly but it was still pretty fast and funny (I got 2 hanger man in a row and my friend got a high priestess the game I didn't die XD)
me and my 3 friends also complete this challenge sir; total fun. love from INDIA, I just start to play and live streaming this game. Now I'm at level 32. Actually a nice game
Omg this is insane?? My fastest run was no sanity, and I got insta-hunted by a revenent. Running at the speed of light up until I used smudge and hid. Then it was deo speed 😂
Got lucky with my friend and the second we walked in we got a mare ability, from the moment we opened the truck it took 45 seconds.
I really hope you enjoy like dislike like dislike like dislike
Mine was a Jinn, a Mimic that mimicked a Jinn, and another Jinn. 😂 RNG be like that sometimes.
My buddy and I did a 1:01 min run. He wished for knowledge, I’d cause a hunt, we’d figure it out and then both die. Pretty efficient.
You're getting close to 1m subs!
probably the first ever Insym phasmophobia video that is under 10 minutes long..
insym is an 8 minute andy now
5:49 what weekly challenge is it?