This ghost was AMAZING and AWFUL at the same time. This ghost was extremely weird and bugged which made it super exciting but also a nightmare to figure out. Phasmophobia is full of awesome and weird moments and I love it to bits! Hope you enjoy, much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch 0.28.6
29:19 The ghost is raving like Travis Scott
Wow 54 sec l8?
Jinn's are crazy sometimes
Hey i was that Guy XD
big maps should spawn 3 bones cause i swear its so difficult to find them XD
11:54 You did not just do that lol why I oughta
I see this references on opening only now, like ghost's age is 69 and there is a box with bones KEKW
insym is singlehandedly carrying the entire phas community on his shoulders. ❌🧢
23:51 24:08 are those whisper? o_o"'
do you gonna play RE village? really looking forward if you make new series of it 😀
“Mare is like the Bidoof of this game” I lost it. All I could imagine was a ghost Bidoof. Lmfao Can that be a mod?! Please?!
29:51 What the fuck? ATTACK
Also had a problem with orbs last night. Had a front bathroom poltergeist in Tanglewood and orbs were nowhere to be found.
"Mare is the bidoof of this game"
Me: (gets 3 revenants in a row) I WISH mare was my bidoof
Petition for insym to stream on youtube on April first of 2022
Can we appreciate the fact that he uploads so frequently? Thanks
i never took the time to actually appreciate the intro, and my favorite part is the feet photos
they look so beautiful but disappear really quickly
So what was the bug?
We found his Girlfriend
Just Kidding xD
I feel like the fact the breaker remained on for 35 minutes was a better indicator of Jinn vs. Oni than the speed test in the scenario. Also think of how many times DK has had to patch bugged orb locations in the past. Rarely do you see a bugged writing fix.
Thanks for always having new content for us! Your uploads are the highlight of my day.
Were you recording this Insym?
One of the things that convinced me it was Jinn was that the room with 2 books also had a Jesus Stick in there, which means it should have eventually written if Oni. Orbs are so notoriously bugged (though vastly being improved/fixed! thanks dk!!). Also very little throwing. It also felt like your speed tests didn't really test a long enough distance to be sure of how fast it was catching up? Though yeah that one where it followed you up the stairs slowly was misleading for sure. But it would have been close enough to not Jinn-zoom, prolly? Also premature smudging potentially. Even at the end I was still leaning heavily toward Jinn. I think maybe if your speed test was solitary, it would have had potentially fewer variables to skew observations. Not blaming Elliot, just the nature of trying to have 2 people kite/smudge etc while maintaining ideal distance. The ghost jebaited a bit by hunting nearby OR not coming to you when you were waiting a fair distance away calling to it.
It was interesting and entertaining to see her appear and hum in random locations though, very much channeling her inner Wraith there lol.
i love insym. makes a video. like 4 hours later. a new video is made. now i get to binge my daily dose of insym 😀
inysm: swears
the people playing with him: hippity hoppity, your swearing is now my property.
2 ghosts gave me a jumpscare today them showing doesn't get me but because the way it happened it did also had some patience trying ghosts lol
love when you do science ones or get ghosts you hate
Insym question with the Paramicrophone. Does it detect player footsteps? 2 Can it find sounds in room while you are outside the building? One thing I noticed is people use the Paramic from as close as possible. However on a video I saw its Cone expands, making more effective the farther its looking.
i recently started playing phasmophobia and your the best youtuber ever when i first started watching you i learned a lot from you <3 and props for the frequent uploads
I got glitched when my yaxis was locked and I was only able to turn sideways and not up and down, maybe locking y axis can be a challenge as it makes picking up dropped items or bones or Ouija board very hard
I was on the Oni train when you were sure it was a Jinn after that first hunt. Didnt seem fast either time it was chasing you.
Day #85! I’m going on a vacation next week and I’m so excited! It’s gonna be safe and socially distanced time with family that’s vaccinated, we had to cancel last year, so it’s been a time coming! Hope you’re having a lovely day Insym! ✨💕✨
Played with a friend not so long ago, also a prison. Everything seems like a normal run – Turn on breaker, find a ghost/evidence. Ghost was in block A area. Everything would be normal if not my friend be like – "Ghost turned the dirty water". My reaction was like, I do not hear anything with volume not turned down. On block A there is no place to turn it on, toilet next to it has no dirty water in sinks, but she still says that there it is. She went to find it and she found it.. upstairs toilet in the middle, like how this is even possible ;D
11:54 trollsym 🙂
the breaker didn't pop once so I would have thought jinn too
he sounds like fundy
Its a love hate relationship also are you the real insym reading and hearting comments
Hi insym how are you doing also? 💗
I think elliot is just a human smudge stick at this point
Just got my COVID vaccine, I’m one of the “lucky” minuscule percentage of people who ended up with severe arm pain so I’m out of commission for the day. Which meeeeans I can binge Insym’s content without interruption, so honestly not a bad deal lol