My Least Favorite Map in Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we check out the latest weely challenge. This ended up being the most annoying challenge I’ve done in a while. Point Hope is slowly turning into one of my least favorite maps in the game. What’s your least favorite map?

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.11.0.2


39 thoughts on “My Least Favorite Map in Phasmophobia”

  1. I really love the idea of Point Hope, it looks cool, decorated really well and the secret is awesome. But damn does it suck to play on for every given reason here.
    Thankfully my friends had me carry them for this weekly because 2 of them are new and 1 is quick to assume.

  2. My main problem with Point Hope stems from my issue with all of the larger maps which is that the gameplay consists primarily of backtracking instead of searching for the ghost or interacting with it.

    I really think there should be some way to reduce that in general like adding a backpack for small equipment. Also, adding evidence items in large maps that are supposed to be "left behind" by previous ghost hunters. That would make looking around larger locations actually worth it and reward the player for engaging with the map instead of running in a straight line from the truck to the ghost room every time. People don't play Sunny Meadows to speedrun anyway, might as well make it more immersive.

  3. I also had the issue with the oni events after the blood moon update. It seems to be bugged right now only subtracting 10% sanity instead of the usual 20%. Wierd thing to just randomly bug out after an update but its phasmo, so you cant be too surprised 🤷‍♂

  4. Too much focus on anesthetics, like map, environment, weather, while the gameplay is, at least to me, so boring and outdated. I feel like for the streamers is still fun for the viewers interaction, but other than that, i don't know man, I want so bad to enjoy this game with my friends, but is straight up boring after 2 3 runs

  5. sucks this map gets so much hate, I think it's one of the more fun maps, there's a lot of stuff to interact with and each floor is completely different. as far as going up and down the stairs, at least you're not going to get lost, unlike some of the other big maps where I take so many turns and then no longer know how I got where I am.

  6. With the bigger maps, I do wonder how to manage my sanity. I know that lights doesn’t protect as much with sanity drain and neither candle lights. It takes forever to find the ghost room.

  7. I gotta say I think the photo system as-is is already pretty boring. I understand that waiting for interactions is painful sometimes, and having to keep the video cam on at all times is difficult, but I think it opens up the door for more interactive gameplay. This seems especially fun for multiplayer where you can have a dedicated recorder to film those interactions.

  8. I think you just got really unlucky with the Oni's ghost event ending just before you "touched" it. It was really close, and that map is not super conducive to seeing the ghost long enough to confirm blinking. It's definitely an example of the frustrations with PH, and I understand why so many people dislike it. I like the map for it's character. Going to the top is no less annoying that having to walk to a distant classroom or cell block. I know you get more bonus from the larger maps, but I can use custom difficulty to make up that difference to play on a map that's more fun. High School is just a big empty slog of a map and easily my least favorite to play.

  9. I had 4 ghosts of which none had ghostorbs and all of them decided to roll play a shade and one goryo decided to pretend to be a teleporting ghost, doing interaction 3 floors below his room

  10. I use T2 headlamp because I like having room for evidence items in my hands. I play on professional always. I don't always need all 3 evidence, but sometimes it's just super fast because it is nice and gives me everything right away as long as I bring it things.

  11. @everyone

    Hear me out… Only been playing for almost a month now. Im currently lvl 72 and really, really love this game… But check it..

    Backpacks… 👀

    Larger maps should have backpacks available on the truck to optionally take.. It could be bag that allows you to hold 2 additional items or be balanced by the size of the items in which you bring.

    You cannot FREELY SWITCH to these items as youre not carrying them on-hand, like your usual equip slots. BUT, with a dedicated button or on screen sub-menu, you should be able swap these items with ones on hand or simply unload them to be dropped onto the floor…

    🧠 🤔 Im JUST SAYING…

    Fixes the need to backtrack AS MUCH. Allows players to plan better and adds additional layers of strategy to the game! Especially in larger groups!

  12. I'm not a game designer (yet, I've started coding in Godot and just finished my first game prototype) but the grace period might actually be one of the most useless things in this game. It doesn't really help new players because they don't develop a feel for how sanity drains normally which could be jarring when moving up to Professional, and it actually hurts veterans whenever it's forced on during weekly challenges because it messes with their established understanding of the game. It basically fails at its job twice lmao

    EDIT: or it doesn't do that?? What does the grace period actually do?? Because I don't think it's to stop the ghost from hunting, the only ghost that can do that within the first 2-5 minutes of a game is the Demon. Maybe it's just a placebo.

  13. I feel like they need to make DOTS' interactions rate increased, or at least make DOTS appear at a set timer. 5-10 minutes with no DOTS is insane and can ruin a lot of games on Nightmare

  14. For potentially recording a ghost and sound, it should be simple enough to just add objectives for witnessing activity through the video camera or sound sensor. Perhaps there could be a record button a player hits in the van as one of the items pick up the activity to check it off. Nothing massive but it does give extra value to the items and another small player based mechanic

  15. This challenge wasn't that hard but I played on PS5 and Point Hope tend to crash on console, so I needed like 5 restarts and 2 of them were after I already discovered the ghost type but couldn't leave in time


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