My New Assistant PEED HER PANTS | Phasmophobia Pt.1
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#Phasmaphobia #BlastphamousHD #BlastphamousHDGaming
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I dont like that house creepy
Play stranded deep pls bhd
We die together
In words of bhd, grab your nearest human shield n get ready to retreat.
BHD having mad heart attacks can barely get through the game
Damn this is the best phasmophobia vid I've ever seen 😭😁😁
im here with ,y human shields uhhhh my bestfrinds
"We didn't even make no money" 😂😂😂 Bruh if you're ever having a bad day blast's scary videos are the best to watch
BHD really needs whatever and whoever is around him to use them as shields and protect him from monsters, am I wrong?
Feed us a part two please
I'm died OMG 🤣😂
Blastphamous got a dad body 😂😂😂😂 who remebr when he use to be fat😂😂😂
So first you can switch and hold something else in hand then press T to have the light on. Second, you turned off the power there are lights. The smoke you saw was indicating frozen temperatures. J opens your journal.
Damn anyone feel bhd changed, not in a bad way tho i just missed the old days with bhd
its funny because he playing alone
When they started singing it had me cracking up
We need to make him play this in VR
Why BHDs friends look 16
We have the same computer😂😂😂
Yo Blast, my G, where is my boy Randy, huh?
Gg lmao
Finally I’ve been wondering
Would be better in VR 😉
He had the same ringtone as Ronnie Mcnutt
some tips: have a partner/s to play with, try all lights to see if any work, read the objective, and use your book to put down ur evidence.
Yo, a replacement to the actual hauntings, but it’s kinda close ;u;
Someone need to give blast a shot of testosterone before he's allowed to play this game
Let's gooo!
i love this game
OK so I just saw this video about to watch it and yes I took that title out of contacts😂
I love how he starts off by telling them he won't have their backs. Then freaking out when the torch isn't even flashing.
The other two are new to me, who are they? I know Randy, KT, and Chavez, but this is the first time seeing his new human shields.
I sometimes wonder how many people live in this mans house
Did you know that five nights at treasure island got a 2020 version recently
(Turns off the power)
Blast: tHe LiGhTs DoNt WoRK!
Me: yo brain don't work
Bruh I am so doing you drag the woman down with you🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s more scarier in vr believe me and we need that
the ghost can here you if you talk
Based on his story of him robbin and the way he takes all them keys I feel like BHD would enjoy Thief Simulator 😆
Flyyy Guy 😳?