Name That Ghost in Phasmophobia! 8

Do you have what it takes to identify this ghost in Phasmophobia with two pieces of evidence and a single hunt? Like and subscribe to the channel if want to see more Phasmophobia related content!

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This video was recorded on Phasmophobia’s Winter’s Jest Update v0.11.1.0

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34 thoughts on “Name That Ghost in Phasmophobia! 8”

  1. The ghost had normal speed, so it means it isnt any ghost with special speed abilities. The blinking of the ghost was rlly weird having short than some long blink meaninh my guess is a oni

  2. Normal Blinks: rules out Oni
    Normal Speed: rules out Rev, Jinn(no Jinn ability), Twins and maybe Moroi, depents on your Sanity-Level
    does Sped up on LoS: no Hantu

    Ghosts Left: Shade, Demon, Yurei, Onryo and Mimik

    Mimik: Check for Orbs
    Demon: time for next hunt 60sec. After smudging
    Shade: more less activity
    Yurei: Door Ability
    Onryo: Setup Candles

  3. It is a but difficult it's a cursed hunt so can't really tell.for shade not a demon or rev and you had a Hella long blink taking out oni. It was slow coming out of the living room and sped up in the kitchen so it's not twins or morio and unless it recently changed ghost room it can't be hantu. It's not a jinn since it didn't speed up directly on los. I want to say this is a mimic phantom

  4. Wondering if it’s a shade because it spawned outside the room right after throwing something? I know ghosts wander though but for the most part it didn’t look like any of the other ghosts.

  5. The hunt told me nothing so I'm guess inf for this to be possible it kust be related to the voodoo interactions, which I could only think means it's a shade? It seemed to only interact with things on the edge or outside of the room, but it also interacted with something on one side and then immediately another thing on the other. But I have no idea how the voodoo works so maybe it forces the ghost to teleport to somewhere it can interact with something?

  6. Easily shade. Other things are being thrown in the room while hes hunting.

    Theres no line of sight speed up or barely any and this is an assumption but you clearly werent in the ghost room before and after the hunt. Just before you grabbed the doll something was thrown

  7. No Oni blinks, No Rev speed up, No Jinn speed up, No double door touch nor front door,

    That leaves us with Demon, Shade, Moroi, Onryo, and Mr. Mimic

    Now since I interacted with the adjacent room (the living room), by turning on the TV and opening the double doors, I’m gonna go on a limb here and say Shade

    The possibility of it being a Moroi or a Demon is very likely too (simple timer of 60 seconds for demon and a quick sanity check for moroi)

  8. Shade? Because it was interacting with things in the room you were in but they can’t hunt you in the same room so it moved 1 room over to try and get you there, BUT NICE TRY MIMIC MIMICKING A SHADE


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