NEW Cameras & Tripods REVEALED in Phasmophobia


10 thoughts on “NEW Cameras & Tripods REVEALED in Phasmophobia”

  1. IMO Tier 3 camera should be able to be looked into like the tablet in Forewarned, and the Tier 3 Tripod should be able to pan up and down. Aside from those suggestions, These changes are really good. Especially the tripods being knocked over. I've always wanted that to be a factor in the game 😀

  2. I have a question:
    If you do level yourself up, can you still use the pervious prestige's equipment? For example could you use tier two camera with tier three tripod? Or are you just strickened to using all the items at the prestiged level you're at, no going back? Sorry if this makes no sense, lol.


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