In this video I am going to take a look at all new cursed possessions in Phasmophobia and I am going to test them out for the first time.

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46 thoughts on “NEW CURSED POSSESSIONS in Phasmophobia [FIRST LOOK]”

  1. Ouija Board:
    You can ask how it died, how it is feeling, Marco, knock knock, do you want to play hide n seek (run), and some others, but you must say goodbye before leaving the board, otherwise it breaks. Also hide n seek breaks it.

  2. The music box will make the ghost sing as you saw and walk to the box. Dropping the box breaks it and starts the hunt. Setting it down is safe with the placement key. The ghost will approach it and within range it will appear for 5 seconds (photo op) and start a hunt. If it encounters you or the box the hunt starts early, so stand clear.

  3. for the Tarot cards there may be a bug, im not able to test it myself but in a game me and someone else died, and someone got the Priestess so brought the other dead person back to life and then i was still able to talk to them even though i was still dead
    also ya can't hide in that kids room with the curtains having a hit box
    also "do you talk to multiple people, play hide and seek"

  4. One thing I have noticed, which I am unsure if coincidence or not, but if you crusifix the ghost room in professional, the ghost seem to switch room a LOT more often then if you dont crusifix.

  5. Hi Psycho just want to find out something dono if you will check it out But there is one thing i noticed that when I try to take a ghost photo on tangelwood #crawling ghost the little child ghost it doesnt count as an ghost photo is that a bug ? Oo and it was during a hunt

  6. Music box is my favourite. They need to tweek it a bit though. Make ghost walk towards it at a greater distance and make it more than one uses (like 3). Or better yet make it infinite use to play until ghost touches, which then breaks it. A music box that only plays once doesnt make a lot of sense.

  7. Cursed items cause cursed hunts. Meaning, if the item starts a hunt, the hunt has a shorter grace period, lasts longer and is more difficult. If you cause a cursed hunt to happen, ALL hunts after that WILL be cursed hunts until you complete, leave or fail the mission. However, cursed items can help you complete objectives, identify the ghost room or even help identify the ghost type on nightmare difficulty where you only get two pieces of evidence. Hope this helps everyone a bit. Happy hunting!


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