NEW Deogen Ghost EXPLAINED | Phasmophobia

A guide about the new Phasmophobia Deogen ghost they just added.

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31 thoughts on “NEW Deogen Ghost EXPLAINED | Phasmophobia”

  1. Do you like this new ghost?
    UPDATE: It seems like its not line of sight for this ghost, its calculating the walking distance to the player and speeds up if its too far away.

  2. So I played last night with a friend and we got the Deogen 3 times in a row. One thing we noticed is that it acts like a Banshee during hunts and only targets one person at a time. Though the target isn't constant, it changes with each hunt. One hunt it targeted my friend and I was talking and it did not come towards me at all. The second time it targeted me and he was walking behind it talking, and it still only focused on me. Though he eventually got too close to it and died to it, but it was still an interesting discovery! I recommend you play with Insym and do some research on it together to further test this and maybe see if it's this ghosts hidden ability, maybe?

  3. It clearly isn't just a line of sight thing, because she slowed way down before entering the closet to kill you, and there is no way she could of seen you there. So there is definitely a distance element, where it will go really slow when near you, regardless of if it can see you or not.

  4. I was hunting this ghost yesterday with my friends, I was dead by hiding in a closet so my friend hid in the closet too, just to see if it was a coincidence. The ghost got smudged, my friend hid. The ghost darted directly towards the closet with no care in the world, but when it looked at the closet, it slowed down immensely. It's like it just doesn't process closet doors as doors at all.

    TL:DR: I'm pretty sure doors and closets don't count as line of sight blockers with this ghost because it slows down when looking at someone through them.

  5. I can't imagine what the deogen will be like on Asylum where the ghost can start hunting from across the building with insane speed. Imagine hearing a machine gun of steps.

  6. This ghost is going to be a literal nightmare on maps that have tight hallways and not much areas to loop around. Its basically the ghost that better not catch you red handed.

  7. I was expecting this ghost to be WAY less spicy than it was. Got it in my first match on the new update before anybody had a video on it. Found it on Willow. Boy was I not expecting it to sprint at me when I went around the counter!

  8. My friends and I were playing the other night and we got our first Deogen. I had one friend inside the house when the hunt happened, he was about as far from the ghost room as he could be. I watched through his camera the ghost run all the way to his room, then creepily walk slowly towards him until his head mounted camera shut off. Probably the creepiest death I had ever witnessed, made a really nice clip.


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