NEW FREEZING EVIDENCE (coming soon)! – Phasmophobia New Update Preview

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36 thoughts on “NEW FREEZING EVIDENCE (coming soon)! – Phasmophobia New Update Preview”

  1. I can see the Tier 1 thermometer still being useful. Since it works passively, you can just leave it in the ghost room while you have 3 other items in your inventory. You can look over at the Tier 1 thermo from time to time to see if the ghost switched rooms. You could also leave it in rooms other than the ghost room if you suspect the ghost is visiting that room often just to be sure since freezing temps aren't bound to the ghost room. I cannot see the Tier 2 thermo being useful after unlocking Tier 3 though.

  2. even though tier 2 takes a bit longer to scan temp, we dont know the price difference between it and tier 3. Maybe most players would find it safer buying a tier 2 which doesnt actually take that long compared to now than possibly losing a large amount of money just to speedrun it

  3. How is this game only $14 on Steam? The replayability in comparison to other games of the same ilk, constant upgrades and additions, holiday events, devs that communicate with and listen to their community . . . I honestly feel like I've stolen this game.

  4. Something hilarious just happened to me and my friend. So we were playing phasmophobia, then this troller came in and started trolling us in the game and stuff so after the match we kicked him out then we went to the high school. We got the ghost in under 5 MINUTES. Then we went to sunny meadows. We found the ghost in 7 minutes!!! Those ghosts felt bad about us getting trolled

  5. i just really hope they dont go the jumpscare route like demonologist, that would be unfortunate. jumpscares are such a cheap way to inflict fear, the atmosphere phasmo already has is so much better than the scripted in your face screamers in demonologist

  6. Aren’t there certain ghosts that have different affects or are attracted to electronic equipment in game. If they implement all these new gadgets wouodnt it be possible to see some new game mechanics that make ghosts harder when the player uses better equipment. Would help balance or add new gameplay around that I think.

  7. I'm so freaking excited to see where this game goes!! All the teases sound awesome. Thank you for breaking it all down for us the way you do in these videos 🫶🏻

  8. IMHO they need to focus on Horror 2.0 after progression, I know some streamers and youtubers that like phasmo but they don't play it anymore and every once in a while they come back and remember how unpolished the ghost models, character animations, ghost events are, and then start comparing it to the newest games (few months ago it was Ghost Watchers, now it is Demonologiest and so on) and saying how slow phasmo is updating and how the competition surpassed them.

  9. I really hope that they allow us to put the tier I thermometers on the walls as a way to monitor which rooms the ghost is roaming around to (much like motion sensors), and to sate our immersion!


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